View Full Version : Default Font in slavic languages

06-19-2006, 05:21 PM

i downloaded Knoppix 5.0.1 via bittorrent. Everything is fine, but there is one small problem. When i specify lang=cs on isolinux command line, it will boot in czech desktop. That i wanted. Unfortunately there is default font Bitstream Vera. I know, its on of the best fonts available for Linux. But there is small problem in our country, as well in neighborhood. We use fonts with encoding iso-8859-2. We have there some special characters, as š, ž, ť and similar. Problem is that bitstream vera does not contain such characters, and we have boxes in pages written in our language. I believe the same problem as with czech language is in slovak, polish and maybe other easter europe nations.

There is DeJavu font packaged. My friend told me DeJavu fonts are modified bitstream vera with adition of our national characters. It does look somehow good, and without boxes :)

Question is, do you know some way to configure defoma, or KDE fonts somewhere, to prefer DeJavu fonts over bitstream, if lang=cs or lang=sk is specified? You know i can change font in KDE control centre, and in firefox to get somehow good font. But imagine you have to do this everytime you boot up, when you dont have flash stick to save you configuration. If i know how to do it, i would send some patch. But i really dont know how to work with defoma, or fonts in gereal in linux. I solved this in my debian in ugly style - i deinstalled bitstream fonts, and so my debian choosed other font, which had all iso-8859-2 characters present.