View Full Version : Sound Problem

07-01-2006, 11:52 PM
Hey, I recently got Knoppix from a friend and have just been running the Live CD. I wanted to check out the media player when I realized that it wasn't working. I have no idea what is wrong and I've had Linux for only a couple days so I don't know whats goin on. I tried the sound card configurator and it gave me an error message. I don't know what it was saying but I think it might have something to do with drivers or I dunno what. Please help.


07-05-2006, 03:36 PM
First of all, if you want to learn about Linux you need to become familiar with the terminal, your hardware, boot process and sound configuration.

type on the cli: lspci -v (this will tell you what hardware is on you box)
then look for audio and copy paste it.

lsmod will tell you if you have the driver installed and going on to the xmms or kaffine players. do they work?
if it's not configured alsaconf will install your sound.
before you use the mplayer you need to check your system out.
also is your kmix working? look at the bottom of you task bar a speaker icon. is it on?
mplayers needed to be downloaded so the configuration needs to have persistance home config. or HD read with permissions or a remastered CD.

this may be a lot, however, it takes some "learning curve" to jump over to Linux.
also there is more Linux basics to know.
BTW, what version do you have?
(I use kwrite to take down notes and bookmark good searches)