View Full Version : kmix chews up 99% of CPU time (5.0.1 CD)

07-03-2006, 11:35 PM

If I boot the 5.0.1 CD with a Logitech USB webcam plugged in (specifically, the Logitech QuickCam For Notebooks Pro) and then unplug it during the session, kmix starts taking up 99+% of the CPU time.

This webcam has a built-in USB mic, although during boot Knoppix reports that it is an unknown device (046d:08b1).

This doesn't happen if the webcam is plugged in after boot.

Can anyone in the know suggest a fix for this? I am creating a CD for non-techie people, and I don't want to restrict them to plugging in the webcam after the system is booted.



Harry Kuhman
07-03-2006, 11:42 PM
... and then unplug it during the session, ..... I am creating a CD for non-techie people, and I don't want to restrict them to plugging in the webcam after the system is booted.
Granted the problem should not be happening and you don't want to tell the non-techie people to plug in the web cam after booting, but should they be unplugging the web cam either? It sounds like the problem doesn't happen if they just leave the web cam alone. Hope you find a fix though.

07-03-2006, 11:48 PM
... and then unplug it during the session, ..... I am creating a CD for non-techie people, and I don't want to restrict them to plugging in the webcam after the system is booted.
Granted the problem should not be happening and you don't want to tell the non-techie people to plug in the web cam after booting, but should they be unplugging the web cam either? It sounds like the problem doesn't happen if they just leave the web cam alone. Hope you find a fix though.


good thought, but... I was asked (by users of my software) how people could save their files, and I thought a USB storage device would be ideal. Since many (most?) laptops have only 2 USB ports, they will have to unplug something to stick in a USB drive when they are done for the day. I guess if writing on NTFS was perfectly safe I wouldn't have this issue, although it is also possible someone is using the CD on someone else's computer and might like to have all their files on a USB drive anyway.