View Full Version : A few problems / questions I am having

07-14-2006, 01:18 AM
I am new to knoppix and I have only just got my head round the hd installation lol.

however I am having a few more probs now

1. how do I modify files on other hardrives? I have 3 hd's . the one i have knoppix on and the 2 others are fat32 one has my windows installation on and the other is a backup drive, were i just store what ever i think needs to be stored.

I have been trying to save files from knoppix to this backup drive, I have even tryed drag and drop tacktics to move files there with no results?
I thought it was a job for root so i started my browser with sudo to see if this helped and still nothing?

2. is there a way to setup a root login,
I have googled this all over and there seems to be loads of people asking the same question but i have not found a way to do this?

3. bittorrent!
I believe this is part of the package with knoppix dvd v5, however I have tried to use it on 3 different computers now and cant seem to find any way to get bittorrent to handle the torrent files? as i just stuppid or is there a problm here?

I will leave my questions at that for now, thanks for any help you can give

07-18-2006, 01:43 PM
1. how do I modify files on other hardrives? I have 3 hd's . the one i have knoppix on and the 2 others are fat32 one has my windows installation on and the other is a backup drive, were i just store what ever i think needs to be stored.

I have been trying to save files from knoppix to this backup drive, I have even tryed drag and drop tacktics to move files there with no results?
I thought it was a job for root so i started my browser with sudo to see if this helped and still nothing?

I think you can just right-click the partition icons on the desktop to change read/write mode.
http://knoppix.net/wiki/Rescue_FAQ#Q:_Ok.2C_I.27ve_booted_Knoppix.2C_now_h ow_do_I_rescue_the_data.3F
This is true for the normal hdd partitions as well as the USB drive partitions.

2. is there a way to setup a root login,
I have googled this all over and there seems to be loads of people asking the same question but i have not found a way to do this?
A graphical root login? Why on earth would you want that? You can do all things root in a terminal window, just open one (Konsole, for example), type in "su" and then press Enter.

I have no clue on bittorrent, maybe try its documentation.

Harry Kuhman
07-18-2006, 04:33 PM
Answer #7 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).