View Full Version : How do i change the language setting in Knoppix?

07-18-2006, 11:47 AM
First time use Knoppix because of Buildix :) May i know that how do i set the system default language to US mode. I know that i can set it when i reboot the machine and edit the longest string overthere but this is just temporary solution. It will reset back to original after reboot. May i know how can i permanently change it to US mode?

Another thing is, discovered that the time zone is not Asia zone. I from Malaysia, how can i set it to my country zone?


07-18-2006, 01:55 PM
Are you saying you've installed Knoppix to the hard-drive, or you're running the CD each time?

If for the CD, you have no choice but to configure it manually each time. Same goes for the time zone. But anyway I believe if you burn the English edition, US English is the default, so you wouldn't need to select it manually.

If you have a permanent installation (see here (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Hard_drive_Installation) or here (http://www.bellevuelinux.org/knoppixinstall.html)), then you can change the language settings over the KDE control panel. This will only be valid for your user account. For system-wide settings, you could install the locales package and select en_US, or if it's already installed, run
dpkg-reconfigure locales

For time zone, try running tzconfig as superuser.


07-19-2006, 03:11 AM
I have the dpkg-reconfigure -locales command and after running it, i need to run the locale.gen too. But how do i run this? It cannot run by simply typing locale.gen into the command. Please help.

07-19-2006, 10:51 AM
I have the dpkg-reconfigure -locales command and after running it, i need to run the locale.gen too. But how do i run this? It cannot run by simply typing locale.gen into the command. Please help.

Do you perhaps mean locale-gen and not locale.gen?

At least Knoppix 4.0.2 CD has locale-gen.

07-19-2006, 11:05 AM
sorry for wrong typing. I can manage to change to US mode. But the problem is each time it will revert back to original setting when i reboot the OS. I install Knoppix in VM and my VM setting for hard disk is independent. It means everything changes will be committed to the disk. But i cannot make it for this Knoppix.

When i type "locale" in the command prompt, it gives me everything using "C", which is default setting and this is also what i want. It change to "eb_GB" if i reboot the VM. How come? Does anybody here have any idea of what it is happening? Please help.

07-19-2006, 01:09 PM
I've never fooled with virtual-machine software, so I'm afraid I can't help you. But in Debian (and probably Knoppix too) the global language setting is of course not stored under /home, but rather in /etc/locale.gen . If this is not being stored and read by the VM software, that would explain why.

Start your Knoppix under VM and do
$ cat /etc/locale.gen Then you will at least have an answer whether this is being read by the system when it starts.