View Full Version : using knoppix to find Mandrake linux password. Not working

07-25-2006, 02:35 AM
I followed the instructions to find the password for root but it didn't work. I tried mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/test. this didn't work. then I tried to type knoppix 1 at the boot prompt and then fdisk and it wouldn't display your disk partitions. I appreciate any help.

07-25-2006, 10:41 AM
finding the password is a task of a few days.
cracking paasswords encrypted with shadow and md5 is no easy task.

changing the password takes less than 5 min, which is it you want?

changing password means to issue a few comamds in a console.
if i remember it all corectly it is something like below.
1/ mount the partition
2/ issue the comands below
2.1/ chroot /mnt/test (hit enter)
2.2/ mount -a (hit enter)
now we change the password
2.3/ passwd root (hit enter)
2.4/ give new root password(hit enter)
2.4/ sync&&sync&&exit (hit enter)
3/you are now back in knoppix and can reboot,

you should have a new root password in your system.

07-25-2006, 11:28 PM
Thanks I'll try it.