View Full Version : To download torrents

08-20-2006, 01:45 PM
I've tried to use Knoppix 5.0.1 live DVD for downloading a software package torrent. Here are some problems which I was not able to solve:
1) The system doesn't automatically recognize the torrent file (when clicking on it) and asks me which is the program to open with.
2) The aptitude command answers me that bittorrent is already installed.
3) The whereis command answers me that bittorrent is already available at /usr/share/bittorrent/ but both /KNOPPIX//usr/share/bittorrent/ and /UNIONFS/usr/share/bittorrent/ are empty directories.
4) I've found no way to identify any torrent client within the system: no binary, no symlink, no icon, nothing at all.
Could anybody please help me with any hint about how to download the torrent?
Grateful thanks in advance!

08-26-2006, 06:00 PM
Now it is quite tricky downloading torrents with the livecd. First you have to have some drive/partition to be able to save the downloaded data.
Next you download the torrent to a certain dirctory eg: '/home/user/torrents/'.
The bittorent client is installed in knoppix dvd 5.01 but there's no gui for it so you have to work in the console. Open a console window and run: "btlaunchmany /home/user/torrents/'

For more about bt in knoppix run a console command "ls /usr/sbin/bt*' to get the the script names. Now you can ran a "man <script_name>" to get more info about it.

Here are mine:

hazelkid@ankterra:/usr/bin$ ls bt*
btcflash btmakemetafile
btcompletedir btmakemetafile.bittorrent
btcompletedir.bittorrent btreannounce
btdownloadcurses btreannounce.bittorrent
btdownloadcurses.bittorrent btrename
btdownloadheadless btrename.bittorrent
btdownloadheadless.bittorrent bts
btlaunchmany btshowmetainfo
btlaunchmany.bittorrent btshowmetainfo.bittorrent
btlaunchmanycurses bttrack
btlaunchmanycurses.bittorrent bttrack.bittorrent

Notice that there are both <name>.bittorent files and <name> files your files are those without the .bittorent extension wich have a ".bittorent" eqiv. (btcflash and bts are not fot bittorent)

Also running a command will result:

hazelkid@ankterra:/usr/bin$ btlaunchmany
btlaunchmany starting..
Usage: btlaunchmany.py <directory> <global options>
<directory> - directory to look for .torrent files (non-recursive)
<global options> - options to be applied to all torrents (see btdownloadheadless.py)

Good luck with it. (I've installed knoppix on the disk and installed azureus so I have'n quite used the command line)

08-26-2006, 06:01 PM
Now it is quite tricky downloading torrents with the livecd. First you have to have some drive/partition to be able to save the downloaded data.
Next you download the torrent to a certain dirctory eg: '/home/user/torrents/'.
The bittorent client is installed in knoppix dvd 5.01 but there's no gui for it so you have to work in the console. Open a console window and run: "btlaunchmany /home/user/torrents/'

For more about bt in knoppix run a console command "ls /usr/sbin/bt*' to get the the script names. Now you can ran a "man <script_name>" to get more info about it.

Here are mine:

hazelkid@ankterra:/usr/bin$ ls bt*
btcflash btmakemetafile
btcompletedir btmakemetafile.bittorrent
btcompletedir.bittorrent btreannounce
btdownloadcurses btreannounce.bittorrent
btdownloadcurses.bittorrent btrename
btdownloadheadless btrename.bittorrent
btdownloadheadless.bittorrent bts
btlaunchmany btshowmetainfo
btlaunchmany.bittorrent btshowmetainfo.bittorrent
btlaunchmanycurses bttrack
btlaunchmanycurses.bittorrent bttrack.bittorrent

Notice that there are both <name>.bittorent files and <name> files your files are those without the .bittorent extension wich have a ".bittorent" eqiv. (btcflash and bts are not fot bittorent)

Also running a command will result:

hazelkid@ankterra:/usr/bin$ btlaunchmany
btlaunchmany starting..
Usage: btlaunchmany.py <directory> <global options>
<directory> - directory to look for .torrent files (non-recursive)
<global options> - options to be applied to all torrents (see btdownloadheadless.py)

Good luck with it. (I've installed knoppix on the disk and installed azureus so I have'n quite used the command line)

08-27-2006, 09:04 PM
Thanks a lot!