View Full Version : Compairson of DVD and CD

08-23-2006, 11:48 PM
Something that seems to be missing from the FAQ pages is a comparison between the Knoppix DVD and CD versions.

More specificly, a list of major packages found on the DVD that are not present on the CD would be desireable.

Harry Kuhman
08-24-2006, 12:17 AM
On the mirrors are list of packages contained in each. If you want to go through them and build a list of the differences and post it in the wiki, as well as keep it updated, feel free.

08-24-2006, 01:44 AM
This is something those perople who use both semi-regularly should be able to do easilly.

Compairing package lists is not a very good way to do this.
Users should be able to note the major packages that are on one and not the other.
The last time I checked the number of packages on the CD was shrinking, vut the number on the DVD was growing.
So Entries in the list likely not become inaccurate. The list may slowly become incomplete, but not inacurate.

I would start a wiki page on this, but I am not the best person to do so as I have very rarely ever used the DVD.

Harry Kuhman
08-24-2006, 04:01 AM
.....Compairing package lists is not a very good way to do this......
It seemed to me that comparing the lists would be the best wey to do it. And if one automated the comparson to produce a difference list then it could be kept up to date with each release. The two package lists are enough for me, it was you who said someone should make the difference list, if you don't want to that's up to you.