View Full Version : SCREEN PROBLEMS - Newbie to Knoppix/Linux

08-28-2006, 07:01 PM
OK, sorry for posting a new thread but I'm honestly hopeless at working out what I need to do.

Basically, I downloaded the ISO, checked the md5 checksum (all is good) burned the image correctly using the recommended software, and popped the CD in my PC. Everything works fine, apart from the fact that it will only display in 640x480 resolution on my 15" LCD.
Usually, I use 1024x768 when running XP, and when I bring up the monitor's built-in menu under XP, it says 1024x768.
When running under Knoppix, it says 640x480, and there is no option to change it via the built-in menu on the monitor.
I tried to change the resolution setting in Knoppix itself, but only 640x480 was available.

Also, I lose the bottom and right side of the screen. As in, the desktop fills the whole screen and the menu bar fits in fine, but the windows do not, I cannot see the right and bottom of the windows when maximised. Also, if I try to shift the screen around using the monitor's menu, i just end up with black areas where I have moved from, so I'm assuming its just because the resolution is so low that the windows cannot fit in?

Please help, it would be much appreciated, as Knoppix looks to be a fantastic alternative to XP.
*NOTE: I'm running off the live CD, ver 5.0.1 EN, and know absolutely nothing, so explanations will have to be very basic for me to understand!*

Many Thanks,

Harry Kuhman
08-28-2006, 08:20 PM
This is not typical, Knoppix boots up at 1024x768 on my system just fine and by default. Knoppix apparently is having problems detecting the proper resolution that it should operate at during it's hardware detection and so it defaulted to a safe but lower resolution. You didn't post any hardware information (in this case both your monitor and video card would have been helpful), so I can't say why this is. I suggest that you follow the documentation link near the top of this screen and read the cheat codes section of the wiki. Cheat codes are information passed to Knoppix manually at boot time that help over ride its hardware choices. I believe that you will find codes that let you force the resolution that you want.

08-28-2006, 08:55 PM
I have tried "KNOPPIX SCREEN=1024x768" and that didn't work. Unless I'm being really dumb and x is actually supposed to be *? :oops:

Uhhh hardware... not exactly good at this, but:
Monitor is Plug & Play (apparently! all i know is that its a 15 inch lcd!) and location is "on Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics" which is my graphics controller.

And apart from using the KNOPPIX SCREEN command, i dont know what others would be useful, as up until now ive been a windows drone! Your help is much appreciated!

08-29-2006, 08:18 PM
OK, I'm still having no luck, still getting "You passed an undefined mode number.
Press <RETURN>to see video modes available, <SPACE> to continue or wait 30 seconds." (i suppose i should have mentioned this before, my bad)
and have tried "knoppix screen=1024x768" and "knoppix vga=normal" at the "boot:" command (im assuming to activate these codes all you do is press enter? cos i press enter and the bootup continues, but still doesnt do 1024x768.
the only option available in the control center is 640x480, but i did run DamnSmallLinux and it ran in 1024x768 automatically.
i know DSL is Knoppix-based, so what gives?!

PLEASE help, I am desperate to get Knoppix running properly. (once again, i have a 15" LCD and crappy Intel Extreme Graphics 3D AGP built-in if that is of any help.)

08-29-2006, 08:20 PM
Just press "Space" and see what happens.

08-29-2006, 08:33 PM
very amusing.

you obviously havent read this properly. my screen is displaying at 640x480 when it should be 1024x768. i now know about the "You passed an undefined mode number." thing, and that it makes no difference to the desktop.
but that still doesnt help me make higher resolutions available.

08-30-2006, 11:04 PM
Ok I'm really getting frustrated now - I still haven't been able to resolve my problems and would really appreciate some help.
I don't know if additional information will help but I'll go over what I mentioned before, plus some new stuff I found.
I can't get Knoppix (or DSL for that matter) to display correctly in 1024x768. Knoppix defaults to 640x480 and in DSL it does display in 1024x768 but the colours are all wrong and grainy. (Tux's feet are blue!) In DSL, if I switch to 640x480 (the only option in xvesa) then everything rights itself.
DSL works fine in max resolution by default on my old Fujitsu laptop with a Intel MMX. (the laptop is so old it only has a 2GB HD!) I have tried to get Knoppix to run on the laptop but it doesn't have sufficient RAM.

I am running off the 5.0.1EN Live CD

My PC:(not the laptop!)
Screen: Plug & Play 15" LCD
Processor: Intel Celeron 2.60GHz 2591MHz 128Kb Cache
Soundcard: Intel Corp: 82801DB AC'97 Realtek Audio, Driver: i810
The PC itself is a "emachines 420" and it's a desktop, currently running under XP SP2.

According to Knoppix-based Damn Small Linux, I have "i686" if that means anything to anyone? It also said something about "MED4587".
Also in DSL, I got the following message:
"/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/apm-0: insmod char-major-10-134 failed: cannot open file. No such file or directory.

I have also tried:
screen=1024x768 xvrefresh=60

I'm starting to wonder if it is worth bothering now as nothing seems to work, but I really want to switch to Knoppix, so please help.

08-30-2006, 11:32 PM
Did you try one of these cheat codes?

knoppix xmodule=vesa
knoppix xmodule=fbdev

It's also possible that the screen will go black for a number of seconds when you press "SPACE", but will come back when the X server starts. Also be sure to use lower case letters and to prepend "knoppix" to the cheat code(s).

08-31-2006, 12:01 PM
yeah i tried those, and i have been entering all codes in lowercase.
unfortunately, the codes you supplied haven't resolved the problem.
i also tried xmodule=svga and acpi=off (even though i dont know what precisely they do - im clutching at straws here)
but when i used the xmodule codes it did display more information about the graphics controller:

Intel Corp 828456/GL (Brookdale-G)/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device

I'm assuming its this little badboy that is causing my problems, anyone familiar with this or similar devices?

08-31-2006, 08:32 PM
woops got that wrong... its a 82845G/GL. and i searched on the intel website and found a single download for integrated graphics drivers, and this is what the release notes say:

"OS Support Changes:
- Support for Microsoft* Windows* Embedded for Point of Service OS (WEPOS)
- Support for SUSE Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 with kernel and
XFree86 6.8.2 X-Server with KDE"

i assume that the support for XFree86 6.8.2 X-Server with KDE is what i need to run knoppix, correct?

if so, how the hell do i install?! i click the setup file and it gets to a certain point then tells me that not all files could be installed and that i should try again (which i have done, many many times) so i'm guessing that there is a problem that isnt going to be easily resolved.

so is there a way around this? as in, can i tell my hardware to shut the f*** up and just display in 1024x768 like it damn well should do?

help appreciated, patience wearing thin

09-02-2006, 07:02 PM
oh come on, surely someone knows the answer to this? or can at least suggest somethin i havent tried yet?

09-03-2006, 02:25 AM
I'm not an expert by anyone's standard , but let me take a look at the cheat-codes .....

I know you've tried some of these already , but from the list:

I use knoppix xmodule=vesa to boot two of mine , other options besides vesa are:
ati fbdev i810 mga nv radeon savage s3 radeon svga i810
basically , try and find an xmodule that will work with your onboard graphic chip-set ( an Intel , right ? )

one note near the bottom says:

In case of a failing hardware autodetection, try booting with any of
the "no-" options as shown in the table above, like in
knoppix noagp noaudio noapm noapic acpi=off nodma nopcmcia noscsi nousb
to skip some critical parts of the autodetection system.

Well , I googled for more info , but could not find anything else , sorry.