View Full Version : Boot-up problem...

08-28-2006, 11:41 PM
When i boot-up, it scans for USB/firewire devies.. enables DMA acceleration for hdd and hdc.. then i run into a problem. It says
"Accessing KNOPPIX CD at /dev/hdc...cdrom/KNOPPIX/modules/insmod: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem. sorry.
Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.
Press restart button to quit.

Additional builtin commands available:
cat mount unmount
insmod rmmod lsmod"

and it wont go any further.... im a novice to linux and command line.. i tried messing with some things.. /cdrom/KNOPPIX/modules/insmod.. got the same error again. cat locked up the command line.. im stuck. Can anyone help me? is my cd just corrupt or something?

Harry Kuhman
08-29-2006, 12:58 AM
is my cd just corrupt or something?
That or something related to it is usually the case with this error. See answer #1 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

08-29-2006, 03:43 AM
ahh... thank you much, got it working now... download was corrupt

Harry Kuhman
08-29-2006, 04:19 AM
ahh... thank you much, got it working now... download was corrupt
Did you use a mirror the first time? Was the ISO you downloaded slightly larger than it should have been? I had that problem an awful lot (about 50%) before Knoppix started becoming available by BitTorrent, although I've never had any other ISO download bad. BT is faster and more reliable.

08-29-2006, 08:39 PM
yes i did use a mirror.. the file was exactly the same number of kilobytes.. but i tested it again the md5 file, which i've never done before.. and the numbers were way off.. works fine now that i redownloaded it. there was a proble on the purdue.edu mirror i saw though. the iso hosted there is only 490ish megabytes.. while the one im using is 692...

09-12-2006, 02:44 AM
haha can you give me the mirrior link im have the same problem...

Harry Kuhman
09-12-2006, 04:31 AM
haha can you give me the mirrior link im have the same problem...
see my first post in this thread.

09-14-2006, 12:16 AM
still wont work... can my laptop just not be compatible...?

Harry Kuhman
09-14-2006, 12:26 AM
still wont work... can my laptop just not be compatible...?
It seems pretty unlikely, but you have not posted much information either. About all I know is that you wanted a mirror link for something. I advise against using the mirrors and suggest BitTorrent instead, I find it much more reliable as well as much faster when set up right, which is what I hoped you would get from the link. But the link also gives proper burn information and how to check the md5 checksum to see if a mirror download is corrupt or not (if it's not corrupt then this is no reason to download the same file again by BitTorrent). I think it also mentions cheat codes to get past some boot problems due to hardware detection issues. But since you gave no clue what you problem is that's about all I can tell you.

09-14-2006, 01:00 AM
cheat codes

where can i find them?

Harry Kuhman
09-14-2006, 02:13 AM
cheat codes
where can i find them?
Same place the link that I gave told you to find the downloading faq, in the wiki.

I think there's a more complete list that comes down with the ISO when you download by BitTorrent also.

09-14-2006, 08:56 AM
The Wiki pages are full of info, altho you have to search a bit as some info is quite well hidden.
See for cheatcodes: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes