View Full Version : VMWare VMPlayer and Tools with Knoppix V4.02

09-05-2006, 04:26 PM
I've got a setup with Knoppix running great on a XP Host and Knoppix CD V4.02 running in a VM under VMPlayer.

Any one had any success in installing the VMWare VMTools from Workstation (legal per VMWare) in Knoppix?

Any pointers would be great.


Harry Kuhman
09-05-2006, 07:14 PM
Look at this post (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107353#107353).

09-05-2006, 08:00 PM
Look at this post (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107353#107353).

I have aready seen this, and there is nothing substantive to the post

I already have a a working VM with Knoppix V4.02 running, can't use 5.01 as CUPS won't let me add any printers.

I want to add the VMTools so add cut & paste back and forth, and to see if it helps to fix the huge clock drift caused by the 1KHz issue with the 2.6 kernel.

If I solve some issues, some machines are going to be reconfigured.

09-08-2006, 03:07 PM
Ran the install.pl all goes fine till it asks about "you need to configure..before the first run.....would you like to run it now...." I hit return to accept the default yes.

At this point it pretty much hangs the system. Mouse moves like its in molasses, can't get to task manager via CTRL ESC.

This was run as root in a console window.

Is there something I missed along the way?

Fortunately as its running under VMP under winslease XP host, I just restored my good base back up and am back in business, but I really would like to get the VMTools installed for nothing more that cut & paste ability when I have to go back to the winslease host for things.

Comments, tips, suggestions? ? Thanks in advance.

Harry Kuhman
09-08-2006, 06:06 PM
Ran the install.pl all goes fine till.......

Comments, tips, suggestions? ?
Answer #2 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

09-08-2006, 06:53 PM
Ran the install.pl all goes fine till.......

Comments, tips, suggestions? ?
Answer #2 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

Thanks, but this is not an HD install.

This is VMWare Player.

The VMP set set to run the CD ISO image.

09-08-2006, 06:59 PM
You wrote 'can't use 5.01 as CUPS won't let me add any printers'. You didn't mention exactly what the problem was, but I had trouble adding a printer for a while, message indicating I needed admin privileges or unable to find drivers.

I resolved it by selecting the esp drivers. IIRC, there are a number of esp drivers. I have an epson color stylus 740, but there are esp drivers for other printers. Give it a shot and let everyone know if it works.

09-08-2006, 07:16 PM
You wrote 'can't use 5.01 as CUPS won't let me add any printers'. You didn't mention exactly what the problem was, but I had trouble adding a printer for a while, message indicating I needed admin privileges or unable to find drivers.

I resolved it by selecting the esp drivers. IIRC, there are a number of esp drivers. I have an epson color stylus 740, but there are esp drivers for other printers. Give it a shot and let everyone know if it works.

Just kept whining don't have permission to use driver or driver missing or something like that. Didn't matter what mode it was in, and I need to be able to print to get work done. V4.02 let me pick the driver with out a hassle. There is a post here thats two pages long with others having the same problem with CUPS. In this case saying "Oh, I can't print" won't fly. This is a test for work and replacement of winslease since most of the office needs just basic printing and 90% of what they do is on web based applications I can put Linux of some sort on there with minimal installs and let them at it with no issues about the M$ tax.

Fortunately I have printers which are PCL and/or Postscript based versus the wimprinters so common. Thats one of the reasons I have the printers I have at home I know they are real hardware PCL based ones, and I use stand alone printer servers all over the place at home.

09-09-2006, 02:43 PM
I've found the solution to the unrecoginized virtual hard disk under VMP.

Boot the ISO under VMP. Run QTParted, create the ext3 partition and just for grins I used 256MB of 2GB for a swap partition as well.

Made the EXT3 partition active.

All created fine, and then commit in QTParted.

IMPORTANT: Exit out of the VMP and Knoppix VM session.

Once Knoppix reboots it sees the virtual HD with an EXT3 partition and a swap parition. Ok so far.

Change the read/write mode to writeable via the desktop icon. OK

Open a Konq. file browser, OK, sees the HD.

Now heres the new problem.

It WONT LET ME WRITE to the virtual HD. Says I don't have permission to write to it.


I CAN use the virtual HD to create a persistent home image to the virtual HD.

noppix@1[knoppix]$ cat /etc/fstab
/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/sys /sys sysfs noauto 0 0
/dev/pts /dev/pts devpts mode=0622 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/fd0 auto user,noauto,exec,umask=000 0 0
/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto user,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/hdc /media/hdc auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/hda2 none swap defaults 0 0

I've tried this on 4.02 and 5.01 same issues "no permission to write"

I've changed the tab in the properties from Read Only, Ive changed the user permissions to ALL Read & Write for everyone. I've enabled DMA, disabled DMA (not that really matters in the VM probably), no joy.

What permission setting did I miss ? ? ? ?

09-09-2006, 10:15 PM
BAsed on another tip I received I tried to umount and mount the virtual hd again:

Still NO JOY :evil: :evil: :evil:

root@0[UNIONFS]# umount /UNIONFS/dev/hda1
root@0[UNIONFS]# umount /UNIONFS/dev/hda1
umount: /UNIONFS/dev/hda1: not mounted
root@0[UNIONFS]# umount /mnt/hda1
umount: /mnt/hda1: not mounted
root@0[UNIONFS]# cd /
root@0[/]# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

went back to konq to try to create a folder. BZZT!

root@0[/]# umount /mnt/hda1
umount: /mnt/hda1: not mounted
root@0[/]# mount -o rw,user,exec /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

went back to konq to try to create a folder. BZZT!

root@0[/]# umount /mnt/hda1
root@0[/]# mount -o rw,user,exec,dev /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

went back to konq to try to create a folder. BZZT!


This is getting really frustrating. URRRGH! :twisted:

And holding me back from my next test project.