View Full Version : remaster 5.0.1 KDE login prompt issue

09-06-2006, 04:42 AM
Hello all,

I've just finished (almost) remastering Knoppix 5.0.1 and cant seem to figure this one out.

Like so many others, I mostly followed the guide at http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto, but I wanted to strip down the image quite a bit, and found a tip on another site to use the synaptic package manager from my chroot'd environment.

This worked out quite well, but I noticed that when I removed certain packages, it forced others to install. (Sorry, I'm long time redhat /rpm / yum user, but a total noob with apt-get). So, I suspect that one of the "forced" upgrades/installs messed up the startup scripts somewhere.

My problem now is that when I boot from my iso and X starts, I now get the KDE login window instead of going straight in to the desktop.

I've googled until my eyes hurt, and have checked all of the usual suspects (inittab, xdmrc, 45xsession, etc) and can't seem to find what is causing my issue.

Any help will. be greatly appreciated


09-07-2006, 03:36 PM
This worked out quite well, but I noticed that when I removed certain packages, it forced others to install.


My problem now is that when I boot from my iso and X starts, I now get the KDE login window instead of going straight in to the desktop.

I've googled until my eyes hurt, and have checked all of the usual suspects (inittab, xdmrc, 45xsession, etc) and can't seem to find what is causing my issue.

First question:
Add in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg line

I have used it successfully all the time. Only once I remember I had toubles (installing new kernel and cloop module had same files). You can reinstall corrupted package any time by 'apt-get install --reinstall package_name'. But in 99 % you don't have any troubles if adding force-overwrite.

Second question.
Do you have /etc/init.d/xsession file? It starts X (same as 'init 5').
