View Full Version : Knoppix 5.01 root login howto

10-07-2006, 01:09 PM
I recently downloaded Knoppix 5.01, and was earlier running Knoppix 3.3. Man!! What an improvement it is.

Well, I seem to be stuck in a problem. In older versions, you could login into root account at login screen by typing "root" and your password. This new version says that root logins are not allowed.

Is there some reason behind this?
How can I login into root with GUI?

Thanks in advance.

10-07-2006, 04:04 PM
Most security issues of Windows are caused by the fact that users are allowed to log in as "administrator". KDE wants to avoid this trap. But you can launch Konqueror in superuser mode from the "System" menu.

10-08-2006, 03:19 AM
Well, what's the difference?
You log into Superuser mode anyway.
And what about the superuser philosophy?

The Administrator has to log in as ordinary user and then run Konqurer?????

Harry Kuhman
10-08-2006, 05:26 AM
The Administrator has to log in as ordinary user and then run Konqurer?????
Absolutely! If you care anything about security you should always run as a normal unprivledged account even if you are the administrator. Even if you own the computer and you are the only user. Root should only be used for the occasional task that requires root privledges, and only for as long as needed. If you run Knoquror or any web browser as root you give any website that runs scripting a lot more access to your system than you should. The people who don't understand this are exactly the people most vulnerable to attack.