View Full Version : Save config pnly offers floppy on 5.0.1

10-11-2006, 09:07 AM
Coming from a 4.* build. Boot reads my config file but when I make changes and try to save them again the dialog only offers floppy - which the laptop does not have - well it does but it is a hot swap bay and I am running from the CD in it! I have changed the mount of the partition that holds the files to read/write first.

10-17-2006, 12:04 PM

-=- in lieu of something more elagant -=-

The same thing was happening to me to day with v5.0.1.

I originally booted into the console, then into xfce4. After exiting X i could do a 'saveconfig' and have a full choice on saving to any of my partitions. Rebooting to kde, in the same way and attempting a save from there i was only offered the floppy. On exiting X, the same story, and also for trying to make a home/config image with 'knoppix-mkimage'.

So i did a reboot to runlevel 2, with 'fluxbox' selected as a manager, but stayed at the console, and was able to creat a knoppix.img with all my drives offered as saving locations.

That of course is not a solution, only a work around, as it means the image needs to be mounted and edited on a config level. More so than what would normally be expected.

Smakes of a bug to me ...
