View Full Version : HOWTO burn KNOPPIX DVD?

A. Jorge Garcia
10-13-2006, 02:42 AM
Hi All!

I'm new to DVD burns and such. So, please bear with me.

I need to know what is the latest version of the KNOPPIX DVD and where to get it.

Also, can I burn a DVD with cdrecord like I do a CDR?


10-15-2006, 11:26 AM
try to use emule, you know this p2p software? :PPPPPpppPPPP

well, the best way is to get a knoppix5.ISO

take the NERO and select the option OPEN (file -> up - left)

open where you have the iso and follow the instructions

un saludo.

Harry Kuhman
10-15-2006, 03:09 PM
Forget about emule (really really bad advice), follow the Get Knoppix link near the top of this page and use BuitTorrent. See the Downloading faq in the wiki for lotys more info.

10-16-2006, 12:32 PM
i prefer via ftp

there ara many ways to find it with google.

torrent sometimes is very slow, with ftp i download 100k/s and my conection is very poor...

Knoppix 5.0 LiveDVD (ftp://ftp.caliu.info/pub/distribucions/knoppix-es/KNOPPIX_V5.0DVD-ES-2006-04-07.iso)
Knoppix 5.0 LiveDVD (Mirror2) (ftp://www.cdlibre.org/pub/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX_V5.0DVD-ES-2006-04-07.iso)
Knoppix 5.0 LiveDVD (Mirror3) (ftp://www.cdlibre.org/pub/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX_V5.0DVD-ES-2006-04-07.iso)
Knoppix 5.0 LiveDVD (Mirror4) (ftp://www.cdlibre.org/pub/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX_V5.0DVD-ES-2006-04-07.iso)

for example

Harry Kuhman
10-16-2006, 05:05 PM
torrent sometimes is very slow
Knoppix has a hugh number of seeders and in the last year or so BitTorrent has been much faster than the mirrors as long as you have your firewall configured properly (otherwise BitTorrent is slow, you must configure your system to allow the inbound connections). The mirrors still exist for those who can't use BitTorrent, such as those behind a corporate firewall. I have had about 50% corrupt downloads from the much slower mirrors before BitTorrent downloads became available, so I certainly feel it's worth avoiding them for a faster reliable download on a properly configured BitTorrent system.

Certainly some other torrent that is not as well seeded as Knoppix could be slow if it had few or even one seeder on slow feeds. But if you're seeing slower downloads on BT with Knoppix something is wrong on your end and you shouldn't spread bad advice that BitTorrent is slower, which it is not. If your ISP is deliberately slowing BT connections, try movng your BT connection to a non-standard port number (which is easy to do in BitTorrent). If your ISP examines the packets and still slows BitTorrent, consider switching ISPs, but you shouldn't post general statements about BitTorrent that are false without explaining or understanding what your particular problem is.

A. Jorge Garcia
10-20-2006, 01:45 AM
OK, let me use bittorrent. I haven't used it in a while. I download the torrent file and then issue what shell command? I seem to remember something like btcurses, is that right?

Oh, and as far all burning the dvd, can I use cdrecord? For cdrs I currently use a commandline like:

cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom speed=16 *.iso

Can I do something similar for dvds?


PS: its btdownloadcurses

A. Jorge Garcia
10-23-2006, 03:49 PM
Wow, that bittorent worked like a charm!

I never got better than 400Kbps downloads on my cable modem from an ftp site.

Using bittorent I got up to about 1100KB/s=8800Kbps downloading the CD ISO and 1300KB/s=10400Kbps for the DVD ISO!


A. Jorge Garcia
10-29-2006, 10:51 PM
OK, I couldn't get cdrecord to recognize my dvd burner.

So, I used K3B to burn the KNOPPIX 5.0.1 DVD without a hitch!

Isn't K3B just a GUI frontend for cdrecord?
