View Full Version : Detecting wireless lan adapter

10-31-2006, 02:59 PM
Hi, I have two IBM Thinkpads (T42P and R51) that both have integrated wireless adapters. Knoppix 4.0.2 used to detect these cards and I could set my ESSID and WEP key using Wavelan Configuration and then Network Card Configuration would connect them to my (Linksys) access point/router and everything worked. Knoppix 5.0.1 doesn't seem to detect these adapters. Wavelan Configuration tells me there is no wireless card detected. The new KWiFiManager utility also shows no card present.

Knoppix recognizes the wired ethernet and automatically assigns IP address which is the network but not the number my router would assign.

Is there any way to get Knoppix to detect these integrated wireless adapters?

02-01-2007, 10:58 PM
If we can't Detect a wireless internet feed with a laptop running

Than there's not much of a reason to run Knoppix on a laptop.

One of the main reasons someone owns a laptop is for wireless internet access..

Someone who knows something about this topic,
could you please explain if this problem has been fixed?

for all those who really are enthused about a laptop running knoppix.

"changelog V5.1.1-2007-01-04 (see also: Release Notes at http://knopper.net/knoppix/knoppix51-en.html)
- Updated kicker and kdebase (while fixing a nasty bug that made kicker "disappear"
in all but the first desktop)
- Updated ntfs-3g (writing speed improvements)
- sudo helper for kdesu
- xorg updates from Debian/unstable
- iceweasel/icedove (firefox/thunderbird) updates
- kwlan for WLAN w/ WEP/WPA in Knoppix menu
- added vlan configurator
- fixed "2nd reboot fails" bug when installing Knoppix with reiserfs
by downgrading grub (http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?17957)
- added french translation to mkbootdev (contributed by Jody Noury)
- [CD] removed KDE docs and java demos
- [CD] re-added spanish language support for KDE
- [CD] installed Java-Plugin for iceweasel (firefox)"

02-02-2007, 01:09 PM
I am not aware of a fix and 5.1 is still the newest version on knopper.net.
I use Knoppix v4x because of this problem. It's adequate but I don't like being tied to an old version.

Edit: I see the last version I tried was 5.0.1 so maybe I'll download the 5.1 CD and try it.