View Full Version : Trouble with persistent Home

11-03-2006, 05:43 PM
Okay, here's the sitch. I finally got my persistent home loaded onto my 20gb slave drive, it just needed 12 hours to do it :shock: Anyway, now that I have my home drive ready, I load up knoppix and it doesn't find the home image. So I did some forum searching and found out that at the boot I needed to type "knoppix home=mount/hdb1/knoppix.img," and I do so. After typing it in, Knoppix boots normally. I then attempt to download the image for Knoppix 5.0 DVD and it informs me that I do not have enough memory to save the file. I then go searching through all of my folders to find the 20 gigs, but I don't find it anywhere. This leads me to my questions:

Am I supposed to load the knoppix image a different way?
Is Knoppix even recognizing the image?
If it is, any idea on where the memory is?
And is it just easier for me to install it onto the HD, as opposed to messing with the persistent home image?

Thanks alot ^^

11-06-2006, 05:09 AM
Maybe I'm confused but I think the persistent home is only for storing data outside the ISO, not at all for booting the ISO.

You're still supposed to boot from the CD or DvD and the persistent home just allows you to save changes and stuff you've added as if you had done a full hard drive install, in other words, so you can save files and settings and install probgrams and not have it all go away every time you reboot.

It's something that lots of live distros do in order to let you take your desktop with you... like OS on a disc and data on a usb drive.

And from little I know Knoppix seems to be the king mega-inclusive portable distro but if you're not concerned with portability and want to do an HD install so the OS and bundled apps respond faster, you're probably better off doing a normal debian install.

11-07-2006, 01:19 AM
I think it might be because your ram is maybe 512MB or 1Gb, and that DVD image is 4.4 GB?

You need a swap partition to keep most parts of the dvd. Just a guess.

11-08-2006, 06:04 AM
Hey guys, thanks for the posts ^^
Maybe I should tell you the reason I'm attempting this in the first place. I've been downloading linux's to try out for a little while now, and it's been going fine. But when I tried downloading Fedora I started getting an error message whenever I tried to download another .iso that reads something like, "Firefox cannot read the script."
So I figured I'd just try to download it using Knoppix, just to see if they would download any better with linux. It started to download without any problems, but I was using my PH on my Flash drive that only has 200mb on it, so I couldn't fully download the file.
That's when I got the bright idea of putting a PH on my extra HD and just downloading it to there. That's when I started having problems loading it up and such.
And what's also wierd is when I tried to download the 5 disk images for Fedora, I got one with no problems, on windows, but all of the other ones errored out. I thought the problem may have been with Fedora, so I tried Knoppix DVD, and Suse, but to no aveil.
Any ideas on what I may be able to do to be able to download them again?