View Full Version : speeding up knoppix

11-06-2006, 06:42 PM
Alright I used photorec to get the files from my hd and it pulled up 7000 files. But it took around 7hrs to do this and now that it is done knoppix is moving and doing tasks at a snails pace. I think it has something to do with the ram being used up but I'm not sure. Is there a way to speed up knoppix again? I mean without restarting so that all the files I recovered aren't deleted?

I'm guessing I might have to clear the ram or format the ram, but will this delete the files I have recovered since it's based on my ram?
Also restarting just the desktop not knoppix completely gives a msg that there's to little ram to do it.

I need help it's way too slow for me to move the files off of it.

thank you so much

11-07-2006, 01:16 AM
Wish I knew, I can only suggest:
1) get a different partition (maybe on a usb hard drive or any hard drive in your computer that is working) and ask photorec to store the files there.
2) create a swap partition as well.

11-07-2006, 12:38 PM
did you mention you were having troubles with your hard drive ?

if so, (and you didn't ) it also sounds like your drive is failing
and I'd bet it's the sector that holds your directory information for the 7000 files
if the sector is having trouble reading, the OS will read and re-read and re-read until it is satisfied that it has a correct copy
i'd get the drive backed up fast, get spinrite run over it, might help
but do it fast, before it falls over the bucket it's trying to kick