View Full Version : Problem with "error inserting '/modules/cloop.ko':"

11-09-2006, 10:38 PM

I am a KNOPPIX newbie, on his first downloaded and trying to boot of KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso (md5sum ok), what happens is said (just after localizing HD and CD/DVD player):

"insmod: error inserting '/modules/cloop.ko': -1 Invalid module format."

What does this mean?
Tried searching around here, but didn't find something in this area, on an untouched 'version' of KNOPPIX.

Hope you can get me started ;-)

I am having an old ~4-5 years old laptop Asus F7400, pentium 366, with about 160megs mem.
Maybe go older versions of KNOPPIX?


11-10-2006, 07:35 PM
Pulled home 4.02, burned and fired up, it fired up.

Ahh well this is probaby just what I need ;-)

You will probably see me more times, wondering other stuff :-)


11-10-2006, 09:23 PM
keep asking, likely that is on low side for KDE, perhaps you should try diferent vm.
try typing something like

knoppix desktop=icewm

when you see BOOT: at very begingin of startup

11-11-2006, 08:33 PM
Ahh yes, now it fires up, hmm I thoght 160MB would be.. enough ;-) I will see if I can get it up to something like 220MB

11-11-2006, 09:26 PM
KDE is HEAVY. too heavy in my opinion, but it is nice looking.

05-08-2007, 06:57 PM
Is there anyway to avoid this problem (invalid format) whilst running knoppix version 5.1?

I wanna introduce Linux to my friends with beryl. I know I can introduce Linux by other window managers, however, this is just a demo showing and let them experience with some interesting features. In addition, they know nothing about Linux (and we live in different geographical locations). So after surveying, I found out Knoppix is a good choice because it only requires typing several words like `knoppix desktop=beryl'. Now the only problem is the invlaid format. If that can be overcame, it would be pretty good.

I appreciate any suggestion.

Thank you.