View Full Version : config files

11-11-2006, 08:00 AM
I would like to know where the config files are kept so I can delete them and create a new startup config. Anyone know?? :) :)

11-13-2006, 12:50 PM
There are two kinds of config files: systemwide (i.e. affecting all users
on the system) and individual (affecting only one user).

Systemwide config files are most commonly found in /etc or some
subdirectory thereof. In order to change these you must be the user
"root" (=administrator), because potentially many people will be

Individual config files are found in the home directory of the individual
user, and this user can edit them himself. The config file for, say, mozilla
will commonly be called ".mozillarc" or ".mozilla.conf" (and yes, there
is a dot at the beginning) or in a subdirectory named ".mozilla". In the case
of mozilla, the latter is actually true but other programs don't use

Having said all that, I don't think it's a good idea to simply deleteĀ“mĀ“all...
You would destroy your system, it would not boot again, at least not into
a useable state. Instead read the man pages for the respective programs
and find out what options to change to what effect.

11-13-2006, 01:27 PM
thank you for the advice, and no I won't start deleting stuff! I figured out that with Knoppix 4.0 (which I am running) that the best way to save personal settings is using Save Knoppix Configuration and setting it up on a USB stick. However, as a complete beginner to Knoppix I hope you can answer a couple of questions:
1) If I want to update a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader, and save it for the next re-boot, how do I do it? I discovered that I can't do it via Kpackage, but would really like to have a go anyway
2) how do I install software not covered by the apt-get utility? I can't seem to figure it out. If you can link me to a useful resource or site which explains these things very simply and clearly it would be very much appreciated.
Rubi :) :)

11-14-2006, 10:15 AM
>update a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader, and save it for the next re-boot

Sorry, no help available from me on this point (I'm not running Knoppix).
From what I hear it can be done, so perhaps someone else can take this up.

>install software not covered by the apt-get utility?

Basically, you try hard to avoid this ;-)
OK. First thing that comes to mind is "klik", there is a separate forum for
this on this site a little below "General Support".

Then there is the "classical" way of obtaining a "tar"-file (that's TapeARchive
and does not have to involve a tape) which you have to unpack, and then
use the commandline: "./configure", "make", "make install". Instead of the
last command you better use "checkinstall" because that builds and
installs a "*.deb", so that the apt-get utility will get to know about this
software e.g. for a later deinstallation. But all that would take place on a
system installed to harddisk, not a live CD.

11-14-2006, 12:14 PM
Are you saying I can't install or update packages on a Live CD? I've already tried klik, but it is a bit limited. I understand that Unionfs is an option but I need help understanding how to use it :?