View Full Version : Knoppix 5.0.1 and ns-allinone-2.30

11-12-2006, 07:03 PM

first of all: I am totally new referring to Knoppix and ns2! I (want to) work with Knoppix 5.0.1 and ns-allinone-2.30.

I booted Knoppix from my cd-rom device. It is working correctly (e.g. I could compile and execute a c++ program I wrote just for testing purposes in my bash shell)!

I "moved" ns-allinone-2.30.tar.gz from my Windows XP platform (device sda2) successfully to /home/knoppix/ with the "mv"- command and unzipped it with:
"gunzip < file.tar.gz | xv".
So there is a directory existing now named "ns-allinone-2.30" in /home/knoppix/
(First question: is that the right location to install a program on a knoppix platform???)

I started the install script (./install) - the installation-process started and also got to an end. But with that there were already a whole bunch of errors like syntax errors, warnings etc.
e.g. "/home/knoppix/ns-allinone-2.30/tk8.4.13/unix/../generic/tkIntDecls.h:584: error:
syntax error before 'TkDisplay'"
"tk8.4.13 make failed! Exiting ..."

My problems are as follows:
a) I can't find the programs ns and nam in my ns-allinone-2.30 directory (even when I use the "search"-option)
b) I guess I also do need to extend the PATH-variable (I've already read a few statements in your forum, but I honestly did not understand...). So how do I have do do that?

c) when I start ns by typing ns in my bash shell, i receive an error:
"bash: ns: command not found" --> that might probably be the PATH problem??

d)I've also read that it should be helpful to update the bashrc in /etc/ but I cannot save my changes (and even more, I don't know what I should exactly write into that file!). It says i do not have any rights to update that file (although I am "root"! I thought being "root" I do have all rights!??)!
That might be already a good proof that i am totally new to linux as well as ns2!! )

I would be really pleased to get an answer from you because I need to work with that environment!!

It would be great if you gave me a short guidance on how i could get started, what steps I have to follow....
My aim is to finally start the ns and nam programs.

Thank you a lot in advance and enjoy your sunday!!