View Full Version : Cleaning spyware

11-14-2006, 04:00 PM
So...my goal is this.

I would like to boot off of a Knoppix cd, and run tools to clean my windows partition. Has anyone done this, or does anyone have any tips?


11-14-2006, 10:08 PM
I tried this

Here's how i did it with v5:

get a root shell: k-->knoppix root shell
type: apt-get update
type: apt-get install f-prot-installer

when it finishes go back to the desktop , right click on the drive you want to scan, click mount

go back to the root shell and type: f-prot /mnt/hdxx , replacing xx with the drive you just mounted.

Running f-prot without any options will scan and report, but not repair. If you are thinking of trying to repair viruses on a windows xp drive using the scanner, you should be aware that writing to NTFS from linux is not considered safe.

Also from a shell type: man f-prot, for more information. I would also suggest opening a browser, going to google.com and searching the web using search terms such as : "knoppix virus scan", or "live cd virus scan".

But it locks up when it tries to scan my HD. Can I run Norton through a USB drive?