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View Full Version : Sound Problems need help please (audio)

11-18-2006, 12:36 AM
I have both the latest Knoppix live DvD and the Games Knoppix 4.0.2 DvD. Both boot and run fine and all hardware seems to be detected ok for the most part.

In the standard DvD I have no sound (dell e510 integrated sigmatel audio) until I go into kmix and turn on surround(click the little green circle). Then sound works find in everything. (Also the standard distro runs the vesa video and no hardware 3d accel.)

In Games Knoppix kmix has no option to turn on surround, neither does the only other included mixer (aumix iirc). So I have no clue how to get the sound activated. (Games Knoppix auto configures my 3d acceleration so I'd really like to stick with it, plus I like the preinstalled packages/games.)

I've tried all the outputs on my pc to see if it was just sending it to the wrong jack, I even tried input and mic jacks but to no avail. The system thinks it's playing the sound, the vizualization shows the ups and downs, but it seems to be sending the actual output signal to the wrong place, or nowhere.

Since I'm running a live DvD on a box with an ntfs drive and no place to store a persistent partition I can't really get into installing the video drivers and games and stuff on the standard dvd, especially since I'm such a noob I can barely navigate apt-get and remastering isn't a practical option for me.

So I figured I could just install a version of kmix that has the option to turn on surround but I've had no luck. I figured I could just install it to the ramdisk and maybe then save it to a floppy. I used kpackage and apt-get but I always get dependency errors or other problems. And being a noob I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. (I also tried re-running alsaconf and it re-set up the card correctly but still no sound. If I do the same in the standard knoppix it works like normal ie: after turning on surround in kmix but not before.)

It's so frustrating since I see that my card is all set up right but I just have no idea how to get it to send the output to the right place since the version of kmix on games knoppix doesn't have the option to enable surround.

If anyone could help me with this I'd really appreciate it.

11-18-2006, 02:22 AM
I can suggest a workaround that may or may not work. With your games knoppix (you're running from cd, not hard disk, right?) , open a root shell and type apt-get update. When that finishes type: apt-get install kmix, to install a newer version of kmix.

Restart sound services and see what happens.


11-18-2006, 05:06 AM
Thanks Rusty for the reply, Yes I am running from the cd (dvd actually).

Unfortunately though I did try that before I posted and I had no luck due to dependency errors. I'm about to reboot into games knoppix and try again though.