View Full Version : Using a wireless router

12-01-2006, 07:34 PM
Hi, I am new to Knoppix :) , so please be patient. I am running version 4.0.2 as a Live-CD. I live in a student dorm. and we have free wireless in the building. Knoppix detects my wireless card (Intel Pro BG 2200) so I can connect to the Internet. I was wondering if using a wireless router would help speed up the connection, which is sometimes quite slow? I looked at the D-Link DI-524 but don't know if this is good or even if it would help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :) :)

Harry Kuhman
12-01-2006, 08:45 PM
Unless you also have a wired ethernet connection then a router will not only not help speed you up, but it will not connect to the wireless system.

There are wireless devices that will connect to the wireless system, these are generally called bridges, but there are some appliances for ethernet based console games that will work too. These might help if your slow connection on your computer is due to poor signal or tiny antenna in a pcmcia card, as they could be positioned for a good signal and left in position. However, as seems likely, the slow speed is just due to either limited bandwidth provided by the wireless or too many users on the wireless system, then even a bridge will not help you.

12-01-2006, 09:46 PM
thanks Harry, I appreciate the speedy response and good advice. I have been trying Knoppix now for about 6 weeks and really love it!! Once I have learned more about Linux in general I hope to move on and install a Debian based distro on my hard drive. Keep up the good work.