View Full Version : Disappointing very slow processing of a command

12-10-2006, 08:54 AM
Running Knoppix from the live CD, 2GB RAM properly identified, 4 GB /dev/hdd2 swapfile identified and used, I wanted to test two drives where one backs up the other: however, I found

diff -rq /drive1 /drive2

was still not completed after 7 hours??!! Each drive is FAT32 mounted -o posix,shortname=winnt; and each contains ~90G.

Very disappointed with the sloth of this procedure. Using the same command Cygwin compares the two drives within a much less than Jurassic timeframe, taking about an hour to completion.

Any ideas what the problem might be, or how to address and improve this? Or is this just a consequence of using Knoppix from the CD?


12-11-2006, 09:33 AM
the ".exe" file that is running the command will be on the cd
and every time it needs to check a needed part of the executable involves a re-disk access to the media
velly srow