View Full Version : compiling tools.

12-18-2006, 05:11 PM
I would like to use knoppix to compile some open source software that I downloaded. How do I do that? I can see that it has some developer tools, but I cant figure out how to use them. I only get into something called a "shell" (I'm new to linux) and dont know what to do. I'ts only text based and nothing to click at.
I use the CD version, not the DVD version.


12-19-2006, 11:25 AM
I've only used the command line compiler on knoppix/linux, not any of the ide's. The
compiler is called gcc, assuming it's c source code, and you run it from the command
line in a terminal window. Open a terminal window and do a man on gcc. You'll get a
lot of verbage but it's worth studying.

12-21-2006, 04:01 PM
But isn't there a compiler with a GUI on knoppix? I tried to look for gcc but didn't find it.

12-22-2006, 06:09 PM
Gcc is built into the konsole. Check out knoppix]$ gcc -v and gcc --help and man gcc.
Turbine said to do a man on gcc. Also you did several searches on the web for gcc -right!
Gcc is the compiler for C programming.

You have several editors to write and save (i.e. kate, kwrite, gvim and even notepad it's free :D )

To get an IDE (Eclipse or Kdevelope)you need to download it on your HDD. However, you need to know how to partition. The DVD version has the guis.

Again, do research on the web on the above items. Also maybe some computer books and some inst classes may help.

12-23-2006, 09:58 PM
There's an ide associated with qt but you have to pay for the good stuff. KDE also has an integrated development environment which I think is entirely free but you'll have to download and install same.