View Full Version : New to Unix in General, have some questions

12-21-2006, 07:56 PM
I have at least heard of Linux, but recently my physics teacher gave me a copy of Knoppix to look at. I really don't know much about open-source, or anything really in depth about computers for that matter, so I of course have questions.

First, I have the KNoppix English CD version. I have not yet put it into my computer, so I don't know much about what to expect. First question is what do I need to do with my already installed programs? Will I need to reinstall all of them, and can I install all of the same programs? I'm on break from school right now, so it's not a big deal to take the time to put everything back on, but I don't want to lose a program that I'll need come January.

Second, what happens to my existing OS? I have Microsoft XP (I'm wanting better virus protection, which is my my teacher gave me Knoppix.), so do I need to first uninstall everything, or can I just run the Knoppix off of the CD on top of what I have?

Sorry for what must be the most riddiculous and basic questions ever, but I am a total nube when it comes to Linux. Any responses will be appriciated.

Thanks in advance, Chris

12-22-2006, 06:18 AM
I'm brand new too, but I can (I think) answer your questions, because I'm running from the CD right now.

I assume your "already installed programs" are in another Operating System? (like Windowz) If that is the case they will not run when you run the Knoppix CD. But nothing will be erased, either unless you do something silly like delete files or something. You have to boot your computer from the CD. (You may have to adjust your BIOS boot order in order to do this). When the CD runs, you will get to see a whole new world (OK, that's a little overblown, but there is a lot of cool stuff).

I've got a TON of questions that I'm going to search the forums for (like how do I save my configuration or installation of Adobe-Flash) so that I don't have to re-install it each time I boot the CD?)

I know that I have not been much help, but hey give it a try.

12-22-2006, 07:00 AM
Knoppix, is a whole operating system on a CD, you have a desktop and a menu with programs, like office, (not the MS brand), browsers (firefox, konqueror), filemanagers (konqueror),texteditors (gedit, vim), mail (thunderbird), IRC, ""ICQ, MSN, Yahoo,,,"" mesengers all in one (gaim) then you have mediaplayers (xine), and much much more.

when you reboot and remove the CD, you are back where you started, that is unless you have taken some ACTIVE steps to change things
if you have a USBmemorystick and klick around in the menu with the penguin icon, untill you find a line with "permanent home" in it and click that you can save all your files setings there ON NEXT BOOT.
or just use the USBstick and save things there, that is after changing it to read write in the right click menu of the icon (do NOT do this to your hard drive).
keep asking, we enjoy helping, try to put a subject line with problem as part of it, like "" i can not get on to internet"" or ""my printer wont work"",
then you try to describe what hardware you have, and what you have tried...