View Full Version : second cloop

12-29-2006, 06:14 PM
How do you mount a second compressed image with the cloop module?

12-29-2006, 11:51 PM
Just specify a different loop device.... I think there are 5-10 by default. I cant remember for sure as I'm sitting at a WinBlowz computer right now...

something like:

mount myimage.img /mnt/mntpoint -o ro,loop=/dev/loop5

change the number as needed :)... for CD Knoppix /dev/loop0 will be in use... for DVD Knoppix /dev/loop0 and /dev/loop1 should be in use...

This may be alittle off as.... like I said... its from memory, but It should give you a good idea :)

Take Care,
One Mynds Eye