View Full Version : Issues with Open Office 2.0 Welcome Screen

01-04-2007, 02:44 PM
I posted on the open office forum asking for help with a persistent welcome screen problem and they suggested I ask it on the koppix board. I am running Knoppix from a hard drive install. Each time I open Open Office I get the welcome screen prompting me to register, which of course I have done. However, no matter how many times I register each time I open open office after that it the welcome screen opens and wants me to again register. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I am fairly new at this, but I believe it will be an issue with the read only settings, however, I have not been able to figure out which file to change. Any help would be appreciated.

01-22-2007, 05:54 PM
I had the same problem and found this posting on this forum. I tried the steps below. It works. Thats is good, because I was sick and tired of re-registering everytime. Now if I can get my usb flash drive to qyuit disappearing.


KNOPPIX CD 5.0.1 has a minor problem regarding OpenOffice for English users. OOo will ask users to agree to the license at every startup. For CD users without persistent home, it's expected. For persistent home users and HD installations, it's annoying.

The cause is a pair of missing license files for en-US. OOo checks the date you last agreed to the license against the license file and if the license file is newer, it asks you to agree to the license. Apparently, OOo treats a missing license file as always newer than the last time the user agreed to the license.

Anyhow, the fix is very simple. HD Installs can Use File Manager in Super User Mode to copy the 'LICENSE_en-US' and 'LICENSE_en-US.html' from /opt/openoffice/licenses to /opt/openoffice/share/readme. KNOPPIX CD users can use Console (SU).

Hope this helps someone out there!

I love KNOPPIX. It's the most complete, functional, quick and easy to install distro. Thanks for all the great work on this project.