View Full Version : How to copy/move persistant image file?

01-15-2007, 06:49 PM
Have been working with V5.1 now for a few days and like it enough to have set up a FAT32 partition on the hard drive to house the ISO copied from the CD using the tohd cheatcode and would like to move/copy the persistant image file there as well - possibly enlarging it. File currently sits on a USB key and is 950MB in size. Tried mounting both drives and using drag/drop and copy to options and neither worked. Tried just making a new persistant image at the location and that resulted in a mass of error messages on shutdown - Anyone care to help a relative newbie out? I'm considering using my other main distro - Puppylinux - booted in RAM only to try to copy/move the file as I suspect that its being mounted as the home file is the problem.



01-16-2007, 03:22 PM
Moving the file to a new partition went fine. Booted Pupylinux into RAM only, mounted the drives and a simple drag and drop did the job. Only part of the question that remains - is there a script that will alow me to change the size (enlarge) of the file? Didn't find one looking through the menu - just the script for creating one.

