View Full Version : knoppix 511 eng ask me something I don't understand....

03-13-2007, 10:47 PM
I downloaded Knoppix 5.11 iso and I rebooted pc from device dvd-rom.
Everything appear to be right but ...
I read this message on the screen and knoppix wait that I type something...
but I really don't know what happened.
Is there anybody can help me?

this's the message appeared during booting:

cache size 7670 kb (xms)
minimum cache size: 1024 kb
write through drives: a B

curent Options
/ mlx program is loaded into conventional and XMS memory using DPMS
/ bl=16 lokkahead buffer is in conventional memory, sike is in KB
/ Lend = On lend memory to other applications - 6646 KB available
/ delay = Off write delay is disabled, caching is write-through

caldera dr-dos7.03
[dr-dos] a:\ _

please help me :cry:

03-13-2007, 11:34 PM
I'd guess you've burnt your cd or dvd incorrectly, instructing your software to create a bootable media, haven't you - hence the dos nonsense you're seeing. You should burn as image - please check the FAQ (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ).

Harry Kuhman
03-13-2007, 11:40 PM
The dr_DOS prompt is usually a sign that you didn't follow the instructions in the FAQ, took an option in NERO to make the disc bootable, and now have a mucked up disc. But your statement about having some sort of prompt with Knoppix in it conflicts with that. Still, my best advice is to suggest you follow all the instructions in the Downloading FAQ.

03-14-2007, 02:29 PM
yes It's true!!!!!

I Made a Mistake burning cd as a bootable cd.
now I correctl burned cd and everything goes OK!!!!!

I really thank you guys for your attention and support to my trouble.

thank you very very much