View Full Version : Two Questions About Knoppix

03-24-2007, 11:46 AM
Hi, I am new and have never used any other OS aside from Windows. A couple months ago my PC suffered a huge issue that left it offline for months. When I came back, everything was working, but Windows is no longer showing a ton my MP3 files (It says I have 49, but I know I have 3,762 (I use Winamp for music, and the Media Library monitors the amount of MP3s I have).

I know for a fact the data is still there, because all of them still play in Winamp.

My first question is, if I run Knoppix, will it show ALL files, including those Windows doesn't see?

And if yes to that, my second question is; Will I be able to use Knoppix to access Nero Burning Rom and Burn them as Data for Backup?

My hope is to use Knoppix to burn the files as data, then reformat my Slave hard drive, then put the data back on as freash data.

If this is possible, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

03-25-2007, 07:44 AM
as to if it will show the files, no idea, probably.
as to nero, No.
BUT Knoppix has something called K3B, it is somewhat like Nero.
So if you have two cd or DVD drives you can boot knoppix from one (preferably not the burner) and use K3B to burn CD's or DVD's (depending on what your burner manages).

03-25-2007, 10:26 AM
Ok, at least I got a solid awnser on the first one. Ill try it out, and hopefully it works.

I need to back up all my data, my second hard drive is going to die soon.