View Full Version : testdisk problem

Harry Kuhman
05-02-2007, 10:10 PM
I have a disk that I can't recover with gpart (still gives a bad superblock error) and I thought I would give testdisk a try. But when I try to run testdisk I get:
testdisk: error while loading shared libaries: libntfs.so.9 cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
I get the same error on 5.1.0 and 4.0.2. I'm running as root (opened a terminal and then typed su). Can anyone give any insight on what is going wrong here?

05-03-2007, 01:49 AM
Hi Harry,

Try this from a root shell : apt-get update && apt-get -s -t unstable install testdisk

and try running it again[/code]

Harry Kuhman
05-03-2007, 08:41 AM
Thanks for the tip Rusty. I will try it, but I learned something else: While the CD versions of 4.0.2 and 5,1.0 (and I expect very likely 5.0.1 and even 5.1.1) have this problem, the DVD version of 4.0.2 booted and ran testdisk just fine for me. I'n not sure why an unworking version would be on multiple CD releases, but apparently that's the case.

Unfortunately, while I ran testdisk, it still didn't fix my bad superblock problem. So I'm going to focus on other approaches that might save something from these disks before I try the apt-get update approach, but it will be something interesting to do.

05-06-2007, 07:51 PM
Hi Harry,

Just to note that a new version of testdisk was recently released in unstable, FWIW.


Harry Kuhman
05-06-2007, 09:33 PM
Thanks. It is worth checking if that version fixes my bad superblock.

07-19-2007, 07:19 PM
I have the same error-messge with Knoppix 5.1 and testdisk. (this problem is nomore relevant for me - the notebook has broken)

I have tested the solution above and testdisk starts very well.

Unfortunatly I don't know how I can put a link the the other thread here.
When anybody know this - please correct it.

Thread: "Testdisk Won't run - Cannot find libntfs.so.9" dd. Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:28
Forum: General Support

Hope that helps somebody.

To Mr. Kuhman, to who I has asked in a personal message (at a time, when I had not found the obove solution) whether the new knoppix release had solved the problem.

For your information I asked in a privat message, because the thread is 2 month old and I supposed that you maybe would not read this thread periodical.

Thanks very much for your answer.

I asked because I have a older notbook where the Koppix Release 5.1 don't run - 3.6 does. This means that it would give further more problems to get it to run. To test which last Knoppix Release would run - to find out where the difference is - to make a own Knoppix CD with the actual release of testdisk - and that maybe for nothing. That is the reason why I asked for your experience.


07-20-2007, 07:34 PM
I have the same error-messge with Knoppix 5.1 and testdisk.

I have tested the solution above and testdisk starts very well.

Unfortunatly I don't know how I can put a link the the other thread here.
When anybody know this - please correct it.

Thread: "Testdisk Won't run - Cannot find libntfs.so.9" dd. Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:28
Forum: General Support

Hope that helps somebody.

To Mr. Kuhman, to who I has asked in a personal message (at a time, when I had not found the obove solution) whether the new knoppix release had solved the problem.

For your information I asked in a privat message, because the thread is 2 month old and I supposed that you maybe would not read this thread periodical.

Thanks very much for your answer.

I asked because I have a older notbook where the Koppix Release 5.1 don't run - 3.6 does. This means that it would give further more problems to get it to run. To test which last Knoppix Release would run - to find out where the difference is - to make a own Knoppix CD with the actual release of testdisk - and that maybe for nothing. That is the reason why I asked for your experience.


I have no insight other than to try a different bootable CD to use TESTDISK.

The "GPARTED" livecd has TESTDISK and the ULTIMATE BOOT CD also has it.

08-16-2007, 05:34 AM

testdisk: error while loading shared libraries: libntfs.so.9: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

there is (Knoppix 5.1.1) no libntfs.so.9 (in /usr/lib/) but:
libntfs.so -> libntfs.so.10.0.0
libntfs.so.10 -> libntfs.so.10.0.0

what do you think about this:

cd /usr/lib
ln -s libntfs.so.10.0.0 libntfs.so.9

now testdisk will run

08-03-2008, 03:53 PM
Thanks for everybody's help.

I can't test more ideas - because my notebook has broken and
I am now working with Knoppix 5.3.1 on a newer PC, which has no problems with this
newer Knoppix-Version.