View Full Version : Need to backup DATA in Knoppix with DVD drive

05-06-2007, 07:38 PM

I've used Knoppix before to restore and usually had an extra HD around. I am completely unable to restore windows and want to backup some data before i wipe and reinstall Ferda Core w/ S#*@*(# XP. Is there anyway to get Knoppix to run of HD so I can use my burner. Also, does Linux have an easy to use burning program? I don't know any of the commands and would deffly like to learn those at a LATER date.


05-09-2007, 03:02 PM
Try the tohd cheatcode.
I myself have not tried burning with Knoppix, but here is the first hit that I got off of Google http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/coasterless_dvd.htm#_Newbie_Guide:_Buying_and_Inst alling_a