View Full Version : Big Size with Remastering

06-03-2007, 09:46 PM
first of all its my first time trying to remaster a knoppix CD.
So i started with the how-to and created some shell scripts to easy my pain.
They seem to work well.
But when the CD image is created i get a 1GB cd (1119MB approx.)
Much bigger than with what i started.

So i looked up what could go wrong.
apt-get install is giving me about 114MB of additional space required for the new installed packages.
apt-get remove openoffice* sun-java5-demo frees about 400MB

So plenty inoff for my new programms but it seems not....
From where this could come it's a too huge discrepancy between the values.
I don't have a clue what i can try to do next.
Maybe you have an idea what creates this size difference from 700 to 1.1G?
is it apt-get?
Best Regards

P.s.: here is my standart approach with scripts (don't tell me they are ugly i know it i just made them in 5min or less)
1. i open up a root console
2. i execute this script

mount -t ext3 -o rw /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1
rm -rf /media/hdb1/knxmaster
rm -rf /media/hdb1/knxsource
mkdir /media/hdb1/knxmaster
mkdir /media/hdb1/knxsource
mkdir /media/hdb1/knxmaster/KNOPPIX
mkdir /media/hdb1/knxsource/KNOPPIX
cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* /media/hdb1/knxsource/KNOPPIX
cp /cdrom/index.html /media/hdb1/knxmaster/
cp -p /cdrom/cdrom.ico /cdrom/autorun.* /media/hdb1/knxmaster/
cp -rp /cdrom/boot/ /media/hdb1/knxmaster/
cp -Rp /cdrom/KNOPPIX/* /media/hdb1/knxmaster/KNOPPIX/
cp Desktop/*.sh /media/hdb1/knxsource/KNOPPIX/
cd /media/hdb1/knxmaster/KNOPPIX/
chroot /media/hdb1/knxsource/KNOPPIX

3. then i start this one:

# Activate network and check it
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
mount -t proc /proc proc
/proc proc

# Get a list
apt-get update

# Additional personal programms
# +2078kB
apt-get install katapult kuake

# Amateur Radio Programms
# 144MB
apt-get install acfax aldo alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools-gui atlc ax25-apps ax25mail-utils ax25-tools ax25-xtools baycomepp baycomusb colrdx cw cwcp cwdaemon dgipip dgpsip fbbdoc fbb gcb glfer gmfsk gpredict gpsk31 grig hamfax hammerhead hamradiomenus hamsoft hf icom ipip klog kpsk libax25 libhamlib2++c2 libhamlib2-perl libhamlib2 libhamlib2-tcl libhamlib-dev libhamlib++-dev libhamlib-doc libhamlib-utils libusrp0c2a libusrp0c2a-dbg libusrp0-dev linpsk marote minimuf mobilemesh modemp3d morse multimon node p10cfgd pentanet-dev pentanet-doc pentanet-utils phaseshift pileup pingpong predict psk31lx python-libhamlib2 python-usrp qsstv radioclk radio seesat5 sgcontrol soundmodem tk2 tk5 tlf tqsllib1c2a tqsllib-dev trustedqsl twclock twlog twpsk unixcw-dev unixcw usrp usrp-firmware wsjt x10 xastir xcall xconvers xcwcp xdx xfce4-radio-plugin xlog xsmc-calc xtlf xtrs xwota

#Programms to remove
# freed 401MB
apt-get remove sun-java5-demo openoffice*

# Remove orphan packages
deborphan | xargs sudo apt-get -y remove --purge
# autoclean packages
apt-get autoclean
apt-get clean

rm .bash_history
rm -rf /tmp/*
rm -rf /.rr_moved

4. i make a dpkg-reconfigure locales
5. localepurge
6. i execute within a new root console this script

# Cloop iso9660
mkisofs -R -U -V "KNOPPIX.net filesystem" --publisher "Vispo" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad /media/hdb1/knxsource/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /media/hdb1/knxmaster/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

cd /media/hdb1/knxmaster
rm -f KNOPPIX/md5sums; find -type f -not -name md5sums -not -name boot.cat -exec md5sum {} \; >> KNOPPIX/md5sums
mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" --publisher "Vispo" -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -c KNOPPIX/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o /media/hdb1/knoppix.iso /media/hdb1/knxmaster :?:

06-03-2007, 10:34 PM
There was some previous discussion of this issue in this thread :
unfortunately I have not seen a definitive explanation (as distinct from partial palliatives) anywhere yet :(

06-05-2007, 08:25 AM
Did you "umount /proc" before exiting the chroot?