View Full Version : Windows Xp emulation

06-18-2007, 05:51 AM
I hoipe this hasnt been posted already but is there an easy way to install an XP emulator to this knoppix deal. like an auto setup I know nothing about linuix knoppix command line. A little help please :) :shock:

Harry Kuhman
06-18-2007, 06:32 AM
...is there an easy way to install an XP emulator to this knoppix deal....
Knoppix is a Live CD. There is no easy way to install much of anything to it.

According to the package list, WINE is still in Knoppix. I don't use it and was never very satisfied with it when I tried, but it is billed as a windows emulator and some people report good results with it.

I'm not sure what you mean by an XP emulator rather than a windows emulator, but if you want more than wine, you might consider Linux and VMware, and run XP in a virtual machine under Linux. I wouldn't do that on Knoppix though, i would use a version of Linux intended for install to hard disk, such as Debian.

06-18-2007, 10:05 AM
I am also starting to get into video editing and found a rather neat page on video editing with linux(http://www.robfisher.net/video/). I do know there is a simple way to add programs to the house/persistent knoppix disk image but I guess it would take the developer giving us the code so that we can install programs unto it so as to be able to run them off the same environment. I still need to be able to add my own linux programs to the knoppix live using persistance image. If the program doesn't already contain this, the developer should include this in the next run. 8)

Harry Kuhman
06-18-2007, 10:32 AM
To an extent you can indeed do a simple install of a Linux app. But even that can have problems, since knoppix is a mix of several different flavors of Debian, not made purely from one release. But installing something like VMware is very machine specific, I wouldn't expect it to function via persistance and run on different systems, if it ran at all. I use Knoppix for what it is, a very handy live CD or DVD. If I want to install Linux or other Linux applications, Knoppix is certainly not my choice. I suggest Debian for hard disk installs (some like Ubuntu but I just don't see the reason for that unless you require Ubuntu to support some new hardware that Debian does not), and I woukd suggest Puppy Linux or even DSL if you want a small Live Linux that you can more easily customize to your own wishes.