View Full Version : Photorec going like "frenzy", or very long time.

06-24-2007, 11:07 AM
I just used photorec to restore some files, since my hdd went crazy. I've checked the partitiontables and those where bad, so I've made them ok with testdisk I think it was. Anyway, the thing is photorec never stops. Should I wait for it to stop or should I stop it myself. Now it's on pass 83, 22 hours in. Sounds a bit overkill. 121000 files found. Should I continue or stop? But would need some help here on the photorec issue.

Then I need to fix the mbr stuff (think it could be this), but as I know it is done in many ways. Thought of fixmbr, but will that make my partitions useless? Do I have to make my partitions again? It's not the end of the world if the data is gone, even if it's the entire disk. I have the most important things on another disk. All this stuff began with a virus I think, since my antivirus alerted a virus, and I deleted, but it never got deleted. Then he computer booted itself, and then it never starts. I only gets to a message saying the os may not start....
I've read somewhere if the mbr is wrong it doesn't matter if I format c and reinstall windows..
The disk partition is ntfs I have c on, d is fat32, All this is the same disk.
Thanks for your help