View Full Version : Problem with unwritable USB key persistent home directory

07-20-2007, 10:20 PM
I followed the directions in Knowing Knoppix to create a persistent home directory on a USB key, but am now unable to make it work. It seems my USB key is being mounted read-only (as /media/sdb1), so that when I tell knoppix home=/dev/sdb1/knoppix.img, the knoppix.img seems to be mounted read-only, which makes it not work as a persistent home directory. Is there some way to fix this? A kernel argument? Or is there something I need to do to get the USB key mounted as R/W?

When I click on the device icon in kde, it shows as owner: rw, group: r and others: r, with no execute permissions

But the *device* is marked as read only. Is there anything I can do about this? I can set it to R/W after boot, of course, but that seems to be too late.

When I look at the output of mount, I see a unionfs that has /ramdisk and /KNOPPIX in it, but nothing about my knoppix.img.

Any help would be much appreciated.


P.S. My title was wrong, btw. The problem isn't that the persistent home directory (persistent hd) is not readable, the problem is that it's not writable making it, well, not persistent. :cry: