View Full Version : installing a software in the linux system from knoppix

08-03-2007, 11:16 AM
i was wondering how can i install a software in my linux distribution from some other distribution .

for eg, i want to install a .deb file from knoppix because i dont have dpkg on my own system.
how can i do it??

08-03-2007, 05:33 PM
As described, it may not be possible, but please tell us:-

1] What exactly is the distribution into which you want to "install a .deb file from knoppix" ?

2.1] Which .deb file (or files) do you have in mind ?
2.2] do you actually mean any normal Debian package or a special one provided only by Knoppix ?

3] Which Knoppix do you have, and how are you running it - e.g. Live CD or Live DVD or what ?