View Full Version : New to Knoppix and want to set admin rights for myself

08-10-2007, 01:37 AM
I'm sorry for appearing to not have searched, but I did. hehe.

Like many new users, I realized that I do not inherrantly have admin rights like I did with windows. I understand that it is a saftey precaution, but as I am using it solely on my home pc, I SHOULD have admin. (and yes I know about su root )

Now, I do not know whethe or not this is normal, but when I load, I don't get any chance to change user. Now, I had recieved the CD from an instructor of mine in a computer foresnics class. Maybe it was something about his disk, but then again maybe that is just the way Knoppix opperates at first.

I would grately appreciate any help that you could give me.

Harry Kuhman
08-10-2007, 02:16 AM
... I SHOULD have admin. (and yes I know about su root )....
One should never run a Linux system as root by default. If you know about su and sudo then you have all you need. Knoppix is working just fine, this is not a result of anything your instructor did. It doesn't matter that you are the only user on the system, and crying I SHOULD have admin will only expose your lack of knowledge.

Please don't spam the forums with the same post in multiple forums. Pick one forum and post your problem where it seems to best fit. If you pick extremely poorly a moderator might move it for you. Imagine how cluttered these forums would become if everyone who wanted an answer to a question posted in multiple forums here.

08-10-2007, 02:38 AM
Thanks man, I saw that I had posted in the wrong forum and then just posted in this one. Well, I knew about su but wtf is sudo?

Harry Kuhman
08-10-2007, 05:01 AM
Well, I knew about su but wtf is sudo?
At a command prompt type man sudo

It's a one time, in-line version of su. Nice for having root only for the command that really needs it.