View Full Version : Knoppix 5.0.1 live CD delete files in ntfs

09-18-2007, 05:26 AM
m running a Knoppix 5.0.1 live CD in the laptop my laptop windows xp can't boot up because xp got something wrong with it. I tried to clean nstall xp but it won't let me to do it because i havenn't got no enough room
I have to make some space on hd I GOT [40gig]

I can't boot up and install xp and recovery cd because NO SPACE.

my question is . can the Knoppix 5.0.1 live CD delete files in ntfs. can anyone tell me how to do it.

MY accomplish?
I want to save all documents and music files. i want to recover within my home network.

thank you

Harry Kuhman
09-18-2007, 06:01 AM
1) Most of us don't believe it is safe to delete files on a NTFS partition with Knoppix. Previous versions would corrupt the partition, and you would end up with no data at all. If you want to be a test case, see 2 and 3 below.

2) Deleting files will not make space. You need unpartitioned empty space on a disk to make a Linux and a swap partition, not scattered empty space within a partition. There are some tools like Partition Magic that can shrink a NTFS partition to recover space, but there are a couple of gotyas there too. The software warns you to have everything backed up before you try to shrink the partition, in case it destroys it. And you have to defrag the partition first, which you can't do.

3) If you want to install Linux to hard disk, don't use Knoppix. It's not really suitable for hard disk installs. Use a distro intended for hard disk install rather than a Live CD.

Your best approach from here is to use the Live CD to recover what you need. Then completely reinstall XP, deleting the existing partition(s) and recreating one of more partitions during the install. I'm assuming that you have a disc to install form. If your OEM sold you XP with the computer but you don't have a disc to recover from, you may be screwed.

09-19-2007, 03:36 AM
I got ntfs4dos it is working ok i can see laptop drive now . I would like to know how to delete directory with ntfs4dos. anyone know how?


09-22-2007, 10:00 AM
I done it with ntfs4dos
thank you for your help and suggestions