View Full Version : copying Knoppix to Hard Drive

05-29-2003, 09:01 PM
I'm copying knoppix from the CD onto the hard drive, according to the remastering Howto,

but I'm getting error messages from the terminal.

It says "cp: cannot create symbolic link '/mnt/....blahblahblah/blah' : Operation not permitted."

Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong?

05-29-2003, 09:39 PM
go to http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/HdInstallHowTo

05-29-2003, 09:58 PM
i'm not trying to install it to my hard drive. I am remastering it. To do that, I copied the CD to my Hard drive.

05-29-2003, 10:00 PM
i'm not trying to install it to my hard drive. I am remastering it. To do that, I copied the CD to my Hard drive.

I think you may need to be root.

05-29-2003, 10:05 PM
I am root when I do it, that's the thing.

So theres something wrong when it cannot create symbolic links when I copy to the hard drive?

In addition, it also says "failed to preserve ownership" and "cannot create special file"

05-29-2003, 10:14 PM
I am root when I do it, that's the thing.

So theres something wrong when it cannot create symbolic links when I copy to the hard drive?

In addition, it also says "failed to preserve ownership" and "cannot create special file"

You are using a linux filesystem to copy to? Not fat32 or something?

05-29-2003, 10:29 PM
yes, its a linux filesystem as well. The thing is that a lot of files do get copied, but a whole mess of them come up with the error.

Symbolic link errors aside, I can't chroot to my mnt/hda2/KNOPPIX directory.

it goes "chroot: /bin/bash: No such file or directory"

But I can chroot to /KNOPPIX

what's up wit dat?

05-30-2003, 04:33 PM
what copy command did you use ?

cp -dRp

I usually use rsync -a or tar for bulk copy.

05-30-2003, 08:38 PM
I followed the Remaster HOWTO (available on this website)

As root, I typed this in:

"cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda2/knx/source/knoppix/"

05-30-2003, 08:54 PM
Didn't know cp would recreate symbolic links... Maybe I'm too stuck in UNIX. Normally I'd have to tar it then untar to location I want..

From what I've always known tar will recreate the links, cp will convert the links to files.

Again I'm more UNIX than Linux...

06-04-2003, 09:15 PM
Ok, so this is what I'm going to do:

tar -cvvf /mnt/hda2/knx/source/knoppix.tar /KNOPPIX/

and then I extract it, then it should work, no?


I just tried the tar thing, and it still doesn't work.

Might it be because of the way I'm mounting my hard drive in the /mnt/ directory?

I'm doing "mount -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2/"

06-04-2003, 11:23 PM

before you start copying, I had to make sure that my linux partition was the ext2 linux filesystem.

I did this by typing in

"#mke2fs /dev/hdaX" where X is your partition

After I did that, everything was Kosher when I copied the files over! I think this process should be mentioned in the remastering FAQ

06-04-2003, 11:37 PM
You said that these partition was linux filesystem type .....

06-05-2003, 09:55 PM
it is, isn't it? its a linux ext2

Whats the difference?