View Full Version : So my laptop crashed and I'm trying to recover large amounts

10-04-2007, 09:18 PM
So my laptop crashed and im trying to recover large amounts of data....we are talking into the 30gb-ish range...How am I supposed to get these files onto something? I can't burn a DVD because I'm running it as a LiveCD; is there anyway for me to send files over my network or to another computer?

Harry Kuhman
10-04-2007, 09:25 PM
Yup. I suggest FTP (cleaner and faster than samba networking, which is an alternate way to go). I suggest running an FTP server of your choice on the destination Windows system and using konquror as the ftp client on the Knoppix system.

10-04-2007, 10:05 PM
what program would you suggest for the host server? SMart FTP?

Harry Kuhman
10-04-2007, 10:53 PM
what program would you suggest for the host server? SMart FTP?
I don't know smart ftp. If you do and it's a server, go ahead and use it. Any FTP server should work for this, you really don't care about features or security. I would certainly use a free one and not one that you had to pay for. I know Filezilla is free and will work, but I really didn't like it when I did install it as an FTP server, so I'll stop short of recommending it.

10-05-2007, 01:39 AM
alright I have an FTP server running on the good computer - I'm trying to figure out Konq though... I'm not sure how to connect to it properly. I've got a direct ethernet running between the two.

edit: nevermind I figured it out...

10mbit/sec transfer....loves it

edit 2: I guess I spoke to soon...the trasnfer rate died and now everything perpetually stalls....no internet conn problems either....can i take it off the internet and just use straight ethernet?

Harry Kuhman
10-05-2007, 04:00 AM
....can i take it off the internet and just use straight ethernet?
Internet not needed. Should be able to get your local IP address of the FTP server and just put ftp:\\ (or whatever it is) into knoquror and start an FTP session, that's how I've done it. Not sure why you would start to see stalls. please let us know if you learn what the issue is.