View Full Version : "Not enough space" error message

10-08-2007, 03:05 PM
Hello to all...

My machine: Homebuild, 1gig RAM, 160gig HD, AMD pc2700 proc/2.17GHz. Runs fast and perfect. Running XP Pro/SP2, harddrive formatted in NTFS.

Problem: my 2nd slave storage drive (160gig Seagate) crashed and corrupted. It mechanically runs and I can see the data on it but it cannot be accessed through Explore. This data is video mpegs and Pinnacle authored videos. Most files around 1.5 to 2 gigs.

This problem I am posting about happens both in Knoppix 5.0 and 5.1. I can see the data on the problem drive; I pulled an old Maxtor 40gig drive out of a different unit, set a single partition for the entire drive and formatted in FAT32. I managed to pull about 20 of the 40 gigs of files off of the corrupted drive. It "ran out of space" couple of times but I skipped those files and continued. So I got about 20 of the 41 gigs saved and copied to the FAT32 drive.

Now, when I attempt to drag & drop, I notice that the download speed starts out high MB/second, then steadily drops unit it errors-out with the "not enough space" message.

I tried burning separate files to DVD both as data CD and as image, but Knoppix always will not recognize the blank DVD
disk in the drive. Always asks something about "please insert a blank CD".

Can anyone give me a clue what the problem is here so I can get the remaining 21 gigs of data off the corrupted drive? I am willing to burn to multiple DVDs, or drag & drop. Anything.


10-13-2007, 04:11 AM
Okay, I figured out that problem so most of my data is off-loaded onto my good drive. Now another problem: Knoppix is now working famously. However, when I get a file 4 gigs or larger, it stalls part way through with message: "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly". Everything goes smoothly until the file size being copied hits exactly 4 gigs, and then stalls. I only have three more files to go, all over 4 megs.

Any suggestions?

Harry Kuhman
10-13-2007, 04:24 AM
Okay, I figured out that problem so most of my data is off-loaded onto my good drive.
Would you care to share what your problem was, so that we can help others when they report the same thing?

Now another problem: Knoppix is now working famously. However, when I get a file 4 gigs or larger, it stalls part way through with message: "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly". Everything goes smoothly until the file size being copied hits exactly 4 gigs, and then stalls. I only have three more files to go, all over 4 megs.

Any suggestions?
FAT32 partitions are limited to files 4 gig minus 1 byte in size. You can't get these larger files onto a FAT partition. There are other things that you could do, my suggestion would be to network two systems together (with the other one partitioned with a partition type able to hold files 4 gig or larger) and transfer the files by FTP (running an FTP server on the other system and using konquror as the FTP client).

10-20-2007, 08:25 AM
Hello Harry,

Thanks for the reply! What I learned is that Knoppix required a large amount of raw, unformatted space in order to operate. So I wiped the drive I was using and reset a 20 gig partition, leaving 20 gigs of raw, unpartitioned and unformatted space. Then it worked famously, like a charm. I am not sure how much raw space is required, so I randomly picked 50% which I suspect is more than needed.

I have a problem getting Konquerer to run internet. Is there a tutorial anywhere that you know that I could review? I wouldn't even mind emailing them to myself, or even using the free upload storage provide by my ISP. I just can't get the darned thing to work. I am running Comcast cable and everything works perfectly.

Harry Kuhman
10-20-2007, 07:29 PM
...What I learned is that Knoppix required a large amount of raw, unformatted space in order to operate. So I wiped the drive I was using and reset a 20 gig partition, leaving 20 gigs of raw, unpartitioned and unformatted space. Then it worked famously, like a charm. ...
How did you learn this? Did you find a reference somewhere that told you to do this? I've never heard of this and it really makes no sense that this would have the effect that you indicate.

....I have a problem getting Konquerer to run internet. Is there a tutorial anywhere that you know that I could review? I wouldn't even mind emailing them to myself, or even using the free upload storage provide by my ISP. I just can't get the darned thing to work. I am running Comcast cable and everything works perfectly.
I'm not sure what problem you're having, Knoquror has worked OK as a browser for me. I don't know of any Konquror tutorial, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could find one with a Google search. There are other browsers included on the Knoppix disc, including Firefox or the Debain rebranded version called Iceweasel (depending on which version of Knoppix you use). I personally like to connect 2 systems on a network, run a FTP server on the receiving end, and send the files over by FTP using Knoquror as the FTP client. I think there is also a stand alone FTP client on the Knoppix disc that you could use if you don't want to use Konquror. And, of course, there are many places on the web where you could stash files from one system before you download then onto another, including free storage space from Gmail and other mail providers, and sites like yousendit.com. But uploading to the Internet is a lot slower than local transfers.

10-21-2007, 05:54 AM
I was Googling the web, and ran across a forum where someone posted a problem like mine; another member posted what he did to solve it, and that is where I got the info. To be honest I can't remember where anymore. It doesn't make any sense to me either-how can raw space be of any benefit?? But work it did, and I hauled a lot of megs of files off the damaged drive without a glitch. In addition, the drive I saved to was a SATA, and I used a cheap adapter from Newegg so it would fit my IDE cable from my corrupted drive.

When you boot Knoppix, do you just click Konquerer and it configures itself, or is there a mounting process of some kind?

Harry Kuhman
10-21-2007, 06:12 AM
I was Googling the web, and ran across a forum where someone posted a problem like mine; another member posted what he did to solve it, and that is where I got the info. .....
It makes so little sense that I'm not inclined to accept that this is the entire story. Linux just doesn't use that unformatted space. Just because someone did something and then something else worked doesn't mean that doing the first thing cause the second thing to work. It certainly is curious that this "fix" seems to have helped you also, but I would really like to see more discussion on this.

When you boot Knoppix, do you just click Konquerer and it configures itself, or is there a mounting process of some kind?
When you boot Knoppix, Knoquror opens automagically (it's what shows the intro help file). So I just put URLS in to the address bar there and I can surf. Of course, you can start an alternate browser and surf with that.

When I boot, Knoppix configures it's network settings by DHC from my router. This is rather different than configuring Konquror, but may be worth mentioning. If you have cable, with or (foolishly) without a router, Knoppix likely will configure networking by DHCP. If you have DSL and are foolish enough to run without a router then you would need to do some setup and run pppoe software. But I don't advocate this at all, my advice in this case is to get an inexpensive router.

If you problem isn't Knoquror but rather networking then we need more information about your network and Internet connection to be able to help.

10-21-2007, 03:43 PM
Thanks Harry; I will attempt to find that forum again, but I never read that anywhere else. You could be right, the reason that it started working was different from just downsizing the partition. I really don't know. At that point all I wanted to do was get irreplaceable family videos of my kids growing up off a corrupted drive!

Yes, I do have a wireless home network for all my computers via 802.11 platform D-Link router, from Comcast cable modem. The whole network is WEP encrypted/64 bit and works flawlessly.

If I can't figure it out I will post back. Thanks again.

Harry Kuhman
10-21-2007, 07:25 PM
I do have a wireless home network for all my computers via 802.11 platform D-Link router, from Comcast cable modem. The whole network is WEP encrypted/64 bit and works flawlessly.
My comments were strictly about wired networking. Wireless support in Knoppix is awful (IMHO). I have several cards that work under other Linux Live CDs but are nit supported under Knoppix. And the one card that I have that did work under 4.02, I can no longer get to work under any 5.x version.

On a side note, I hope you are aware that, while slightly better than nothing, WEP is extremely flawed, and there are now available hacks that will let someone break your WEP system in about a minute! WPA is the system you need for a secure wireless network.