View Full Version : Compiling Error

10-24-2007, 06:49 PM
I am still relatively new to Linux, and just managed to installed Knoppix to my Hard disk. Now, i'm trying to compile a program from source, the instructions say to run'./configure' in shell but after running that, at the end, i get this error:

checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!

Does anyone know what this means? I'm supposed to run 'make' afterwards, but i get another error:

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

And when i finally run 'make install' this error shows up:

make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.

I'm pretty sure the last two errors have something to do with the first one. Some help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

10-25-2007, 08:46 AM
You need the Knoppix custom linux-headers package, which you get with the 5.1.x DVD (but not with the CD, to save room).
If you are running 5.1 or 5.1.1 I can send you the package if you send me your email address by Forum Private Message.

10-28-2007, 02:26 AM
Thanks for sending me the package, but, unfortunately, after i installed it, it made NO difference. I still receive the exact same errors as before. Any other suggestions would be helpful.....

10-29-2007, 11:14 AM
It looks as if you also need the xorg-dev metapackage and the many dependencies that it installs.

The safest way would be to install from the DVD where I would expect there to be these packages in compatible versions.

However to proceed from where you are now ;) please first refer to
which explains, inter alia, the perils of upgrading from the various Debian repositories.

BTW I don't use installed Knoppix myself these days except as a reference system for the Forum, but I have found that the following worked safely for me ...

REPLACE your /etc/apt/sources.list with e.g. the following (you can replace uk here by your applicable country code for your nearest mirror):

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ etch main non-free contrib
deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free

Then enter successively

apt-get update
apt-get install xorg-dev
NB Do NOT apt-get upgrade unless you don't mind risking breaking your system; whenever you need to install additional packages, just use apt-get install <package> on a case-by-case basis.
In fact it's a good idea to do

apt-get -s install <package>
first to see what the installation would do.

10-30-2007, 03:39 AM
Actually, i'm NOT exactly compiling a program, but an EXTENSION/ADD-ON to Rosegarden. It's called Rosegarden 'codicil', and it lets you use alternate tunings. Anyhow, i must admit the docs on how to compile it is VERY minimal. In fact, it's just 2 sentences!

"Compiling the Rosegarden Codicil

In addition to the standard package dependencies, the Rosegarden Codicil requires the
FFTW3 library and development package. Installation can be done by executing the
following commands:

make install (as root)."

Now, just what are 'standard package dependencies?" Could it be any more vague? I most likely need xorg-dev, since the error i'm getting has to do with X. But, i may also need KDE dev libraries (kdebase-dev, right?) I definitely need FFTW3-dev, as well. Didn't know about the '-s install <package.' switch for apt-get, that should be handy.

10-30-2007, 11:03 AM
...Now, just what are 'standard package dependencies?" Could it be any more vague?... All too often the case, unfortunately :(

... But, i may also need KDE dev libraries (kdebase-dev, right?) .... Maybe; I suppose it depends whether Rosegarden is a 'KDE-centric' program - I wouldn't know.
I would look out for new error messages each time you re-run configure after installing another -dev package - that, is hoping that the configure script is kind enough to inform you what it needs :roll:

11-04-2007, 07:32 PM
Geez, xorg-dev has more dependencies than i've ever seen, it took me awhile to figure where to start. I decided to try libx11-dev first, unfortunately, i can NOT install it. The problem is libx11-dev depends on libxext-dev, but libxext-dev depends on libx11-dev. In short, these packages depends on each other to be installed. How am i supposed install libx11-dev, then? Is there anything i can do about this?

11-05-2007, 05:21 PM
How/from_where are you getting the packages that you are trying to install ?
If you are using apt-get as described above, it should handle the dependencies for you automatically.
...And it should tell you whether it is holding something back (which would imply the necessity for a more drastic reconfiguration).
If, on the other hand, you are using dpkg on manually-downloaded packages, it should work if you invoke all mutually dependent packages in the same statement e.g. in the case you mention:
dpkg -i <pathto> /libxext-dev_whatever_.deb <pathto>/libx11-dev_whatever_.deb

If your problem can't be resolved quickly, it reinforces the point that you would be better off working with a real Debian HD installation.

11-06-2007, 07:49 AM
Yes, i'm using dpkg to install the packages i downloaded from debian.org. I not sure if i understand your syntax. What does '<pathto>' stand for? Anyways, here is what i typed into shell:

dpkg -i libxext-dev_1.0.1-2_i386.deb libx11-dev_1.0.3-7_i386.deb

Does that look correct? Yet, i get the same error as before, stating that libxext-dev & Libx11-dev depend on each other, and it refuses to install. I guess i could try apt-get, but, like you said, that might end up doing some 'drastic' changes that could render my system unusable, which is why i avoid it whenever i can. Maybe it's time to get Debian, but i need it tailored for music production. Besides 64 Studio & Ubuntu Studio, what other 'Debian-based' options do i have?

Harry Kuhman
11-06-2007, 08:05 AM
...Maybe it's time to get Debian, but i need it tailored for music production.....
Well, Knoppix is no more tailored for music production. And added to that it's a mix of Debian releases that as you are learning are not really suitable for adding too without concern of breaking everything. If you can find a music oriented Live CD or music oriented Linux distro, go for it (Google is your friend). But otherwise there is no reason to keep fighting a Knoppix install when you could do a Debian install and then safely start downloading and installing what you need.

Clearly that hasn't deferred you so far, but I wanted to make the above post before someone else came across this thread and got the impression that somehow Knoppix was more suitable for music production than Debian.