View Full Version : 40GB Hard Drive 99% Full... With 36B of Data? =(SOLVED)=

11-22-2007, 03:57 AM
Hey, so I'm using Knoppix to back up information on my computer after it failed to boot up. I got most of it backed up, but I have one, big, folder left. It's ~13GB, so I broke out the 40GB External Hard Drive (USB). I plug it into my extra windows computer, clear it out, and confirm is has over 30GB of free space left. I then plug it into the Knoppix'd up computer and find the 13GB folder won't fit. Nothing in the folder is larger than a gig per file. Curious, I check the space used on the HDD. Properties shows it's 99% full. The status bar at the bottom shows it has 36 Bytes of data on it. I try showing hidden folders, and get nothing.

I'm so completely lost, because this also happens with my iPod, also cleared out.

If anyone knows what's going on, I'd really appreciate some assistance.


Since the created of this thread, I decided to plug the iPod into another computer and RESET it via the iTunes control. Now Knoppix sees it as 1% full