View Full Version : Installation problem - Nero says that file is too big SOLVED

11-26-2007, 03:20 AM
I am a (potentially) new user and new to linux. I've downloaded KNOPPIX_V5.1.1CD-2007-01-04-EN.iso and the checksum was right. Clicking properties tells me that the file size is 696MB, but when I try to burn it to cd using Nero Express 6, it says that it won't fit on the cd - that it needs 719MB, and only has 703 available on the cd, and asks whether I want to overburn it. I've read the downloading wiki which just says that the file will fit. Could somebody please tell me what to do - should I just accept its request to "overburn" (there are scary admonitions about what could happen) Is there no real risk here because it doesn't really have to overburn because the data will fit? Thanks for any help.

Harry Kuhman
11-26-2007, 05:25 AM
Sounds like you are burning it wrong. I don't use Express, but make sure that you burn it "AS AN IMAGE". In the full Nero 6 that is under "Recorder" the "Burn Image..." . And, of course, use a 700 meg CDR or CDRW, not a 650. Don't forget to burn at a slow speed when you finally get the rest worked out.

11-26-2007, 05:36 AM
Sounds like you are burning it wrong.
I've successfully burned other program ISO files, so I am definitely using the correct option - "burn image to disk". I'm also using a 700MB disk (it says it has 703 MB available), but for some bizarre reason it says the actual downloaded file is bigger than 696MB. I'm googling and I'll see if I can find an answer somewhere "nero-specific" - maybe it is some known glitch in Nero. Thanks.

Harry Kuhman
11-26-2007, 05:45 AM
This is pretty strange. Please do post back and let us know what you learn. I've burned many copies with Nero 6, so I suspect if it is a Nero problem it would be limited to Nero Express, but that seems very unlikely. And from your post you sound like you know what you are doing (the only other time that I can think of reports of this error are when someone "unpacked" the ISO before trying to burn the contents!).

11-26-2007, 10:07 AM
This is pretty strange. Please do post back and let us know what you learn.
I learned about overburning, and what a lead-out is. I learned that Nero perhaps calculates disk space differently to Windows. I learned that other people had overburned more data than I would need without problem. And after I learned all that, I had an idea - to try a different disk. And it worked. :lol:
Thanks for your help.

Harry Kuhman
11-26-2007, 12:49 PM
Something is still very strange here. While overburn is generally safe and can let you squeeze a bit more data onto a CD than the 703 megs that modern "700 meg" blanks support, I have used Nero 6 since it came out (and Nero 5 before that) and I never had to use overburn to burn a Knoppix ISO (and some of the ISO have been even larger than the current ISOs). I'm still puzzled by what happened here. You mentioned that it was indeed a 703 meg disc. Was it completely virgin? If you had written a very small session on a disc and left it available for additional sessions then this would fit with the events that you document. I realize that does not seem likely, but your report of this problem is very unique.

If you do ever come across the actual source of this problem, or have similar problems burning ISOs i the future, I would appreciate you posting back.

11-26-2007, 01:08 PM
You mentioned that it was indeed a 703 meg disc. Was it completely virgin?

No it wasn't - I've just checked it and I'd used a disk I'd written a small 60kb file to already. So the answer is operator error, no mystery. (If it had had a lot of data on it, I'd probably have picked up on it straight away, and also Nero talking about the file to be copied as being 719 MB confused me as well.) Anyway, I learned lots of new things so there's a positive outcome to my idiocy.


Harry Kuhman
11-26-2007, 01:29 PM
That makes perfect sense. Because of the lead in and lead out the 60k file actually took several megs and caused you to need overburn to write the second session. But overburn did work. Thanks for clearing that up.

11-26-2007, 01:45 PM
Because of the lead in and lead out the 60k file actually took several megs and caused you to need overburn to write the second session. But overburn did work.
I never tried overburning it, or wrote again to that disk - I got the idea to try a different disk, and managed to get a completely new one which I used.

11-28-2007, 04:55 AM
There's a bug in Nero 6 which doesn't allow you to overburn.
There's also a patch for it. I downloaded it a year or so ago (from the Nero site, I think) and it fixed the problem. But there currently isn't any mention of it on Ahead Nero's website, which seems pretty ridiculous. Guess they're only interested in selling their latest version.
If you Google the problem, you'll find several sites which used to have the patch are no longer active.
However, I found this one, which still seems to be working.
If it's the same patch I downloaded (and I assume it is) it fixed the problem as soon as I installed it.
Try http://sabbz.users.btopenworld.com/Nero6Patch.exe.zip