View Full Version : cannot access exsisting windows file structure

12-06-2007, 04:45 PM
After running windows update on my wife’s computer I cant boot into windows so I am going to try to use Knoppix to get in and hopefully salvage some of the data if it is still there. Only problem is I have no idea how to get Knoppix to look at the right directory. I can explore the live cd until I’m blue in the face but that isn’t going to do me much good.

Admittedly I have no idea what I am doing with linux and wouldn’t mind a hand. If this is something that Knoppix can’t do just let me know.

Harry Kuhman
12-06-2007, 04:58 PM
Please see answer #7 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

12-06-2007, 05:24 PM
you want to click one of the hdd icons on the desktop. that wil open a filemanager.

now look for documents and settings somewhere under there you will find most of the data you want to recovver
It MAY also be possible to import mail using Thunderbird if you used outlook or outlook express.
If you used that mail client in windows you are lucky, then you can just copy all the Thunderbird folders you can find.

12-06-2007, 05:32 PM
See ….. that was just too damn easy. Could you try to make it a little more difficult, a little less intuitive? The ease of use is scaring me

Thanks man.