View Full Version : new to knoppix question about a linksys router

01-10-2008, 06:08 AM
Ok i recently made a live cd of knoppix and i got it to boot and run perfectly fine, however i cant seem to get knoppix to connect to my internet (linksys wireless router) any help is appreciated

p.s. if you need any more info that i didnt give then just reply and i will give you an answer

01-10-2008, 08:03 PM
As a minimum you need to state whether you are connecting via the LAN (ethernet) or wirelessly, can you state your intention please.
Also can you tell us if you are using DHCP or static addressing on your LAN.

If youre on the LAN its easy, if you're using wireless then this is much harder for a beginner as it involves setting up ndiswrapper.

I have a Linksys AG241 (not wireless) and knoppix works fine.

01-11-2008, 01:27 AM
im connecting wirelessly (forgot to say that) the router has a static ip and ther type of router is a WRT54GX2 linksys router

01-11-2008, 05:46 AM
im connecting wirelessly (forgot to say that) the router has a static ip and ther type of router is a WRT54GX2 linksys router

Still do not know whether you want your LAN to be DHCP or static.

However, my suggestion is that you leave your LAN to be DHCP first, test out whether your wireless adaptor is supported by knoppix. When it works, then the next step is to decide you want to run your wireless pc using static IP or not.

Check out the following link Q2 and Q3 may help you to setup your wireless setting with ndiswrapper.


Good luck and have fun
