View Full Version : Question Regarding Copying Files

01-14-2008, 08:18 PM
First of all Knoppix saved me a lot of pain, suffering, and $$$ aiding the recovery of many precious files on a seemingly dead Windows PC.

Question: In the course of copying the files from the drive using Knoppix, I noticed that some files can not be copied. In particular .exe files. Is this because of some sort of protection? I have discs for some, but others were utilities I had downloaded. Just curious on this and if there are other files that can not be copied.

Thanks for your time,
The Virginian

Harry Kuhman
01-14-2008, 10:59 PM
I've copied many files with Knoppix, and know of no reason why you would not be able to copy exe files. I have copied many exe files with Knoppix. Of course, you face the normal Microsoft file system restrictions when you use Knoppix, you can't copy a file over 4 gig in size to a FAT partition, for example. And if copying from a Win98 fat partition you many need to drag and drop or use the 8.3 format filename, not copy by name a long file name with spaces or other special characters in it. I generally avoid software with absurd DRM functions built in, but I don't know of any windows programs that do anything to an exe that would make it difficult to copy. Some certainly might hide extra hidden files on the system, or make registery entries that the software will not run without, so just moving an EXE to a new computer often isn't enough, but I have not seen an exe that couldn't or shouldn't be moved.

Of course, since you were having system problems already that you needed Knoppix to aid recovery for, you might actually have had some disk problems that made reading some sectors hard. But it doesn't seem likely that such a problem would only affect exe files, unless it hit a portion of the disk that Windows just happened to select to load the exes to.

01-15-2008, 03:47 PM
Thanks so much for the follow up, I will try to determine if it is all exe files or just the ones that are larger.

Regards to you!

Harry Kuhman
01-15-2008, 06:00 PM
Thanks so much for the follow up, I will try to determine if it is all exe files or just the ones that are larger.
While I have seen some files too large to copy to a FAT partition, these are generally videos or iso files (including the Knoppix DVD ISO). I've never seen an exe too large for a fat partition.